Graphite Crucible ?

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Feb 24, 2010
Hi, I have recently finished my first batch of material using AR. The results were about as good as can be for a newbie. I have recently had some great advice from an A* member on this site ( leavemealone, Thanks again ), and I think I should now be able to achive the results im after.

However, durin the conversation I was advised by another member that a graphite crucible is not the correct tool for melting the gold.

Should I be using a clay or silica crucible instead of graphite ? I have found that silica tends to be too small and clay is for very large amounts of material. The graphite crucible still seems to be the right tool for me. Have I missed somthing ?

As always advice would be really appreciated.
Thanks !!
Graphite is more durable than either of the other two.It is less susceptible cracking,and will withstand higher temperatures.However most members don't use them due to cost.I have some graphite crucibles that I have used many times and I've never had a problem with them,I also sent steve some a while back and did not recieve any negative report from him about them.The only material I am aware of that is better than graphite is Silicon Carbide(Sic),which are extremely expensive,and mostly used in pouring furnaces.
My advice is,if you are not familiar with melting a button,then you may want to start with the graphite.You can heat it faster with less chance of it cracking.I currently use clay crucibles that I purchased from a silver mine in mexico last year,and they work fine,but I have to heat them very lowly and evenly.
I have recently had some great advice from an A* member on this site ( leavemealone, Thanks again ),
I'm are more than welcome.
leavemealone, thanks once again. I'll stick with the graphite. It was always the original plan to end up with a nice clay one, but at the moment its just not worth me having one. I have a small 12oz graphite crucible. The day I need a larger one price wont be an issue and I will upgrade.

Thanks again for the help. Aaron.
You got it bud.
Don't forget,if you choose to buy any in the future....steve sells them in his store for a good price(along with everything else needed).
*EDIT* I just realized that the pic in my avatar is one of those crucibles I was talking about.They are really neat,and I bought an entire box of about 60 (I think) for something like $20.
Here you go aaron.
I have recieved merchandise from steve countless times.Never had a problem,and theres not one person on the forum that can say otherwise.I also want to mention he accepts donations via paypal.There is a link on his website.He gives selflessly of himself,and I think he deserves a lot for his efforts.I can say with a clear conscience,I would not be where I am today if it weren't for him and Harold.
Anyways,enjoy his site,theres a wealth of knowledge there too as well as hands on videos free to the public.

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