So after Using HCL/CL and droping with zinc. I always use fine filter circles to recover pgms. I scrape the pgms off the filter. The dirty filter circles that are left, I have been soaking in a little HCL/Nitric and rinseing to clear and then throwing it back in the paper sweeps with the paper towels I have used to clean up any PGM spills. ( don't worry I'm going out right now and moveing my trash can far away from the garage where I have set up shop... I was watching the home scientist and seen his gun cotton (nitrocellulose) vid, he says that a scientist discovered it accidently when he spilled nitric on a towel and hung it next to a fire to dry. The towel went up in smoke!! I got to thinking that their might be some other folks out there making the same mistake. I haven't tried to light the filters yet. I know thier is a lot of glass in them and it may not apply, but I believe this thread may help some one.
Can anyone shed a little light on this thread ? As you know You guys are the Teachers, I am just the Student...
Can anyone shed a little light on this thread ? As you know You guys are the Teachers, I am just the Student...