Has anyone built large AP tanks?

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
East Bay Area, California
Has anyone built a large AP tank?

I am running 6- 5 gallon buckets that are highly concentrated and I will have to expand the solution soon. I was using one double pump for each bucket, and continued after I attached air stones, however it's working so well I think I only need one air stone per bucket. So I am planning on expanding my solutions into new 5 gallon buckets so that I have a total of 12, 1 air pump for each two buckets.

I currently have them sitting on the cement floor, I am thinking of making a rack with a spill capture at the bottom out of polypropylene plastic sheet so that the buckets are held in place by a hole, and I can mount them 6 on the bottom, and 6 at table height in rows of three. The bottom ones on casters so that the entire bottom shelf can be rolled out and accessed.

On the inside of the bucket, to maximize the surface area affected by the AP, I used a 1/2 inch PVC pipe which is actually 1 inch around. I then took a slightly large PVC pipe that fits over it and moves freely. I put a plug on one end of the 1/2 pvc pipe, cut it so that it can fit under the lid of the 5 gallon bucket. Then I cut the large PVC that fits over the 1/2 pvc into 1/2 inch lengths to use as spacers. Then with a drill press that has a shop vac hooked up to it, I drill a 1 inch hole with a hole cutting saw. In this way I can string the boards on the piece of PVC pipe one on top of the other without them touching. It works awesome, but not all boards will fit in the tank.

Before I go through all the trouble, I am wondering if anyone has built large AP tanks, and how they did it. Having 5 gallon buckets works great for some types of material, but some things need a larger tank or must be cut in pieces which is something I want to avoid if possible. I am also using 4 polypropylene plating tanks that are 36x36x8 which work awesome for larger boards, but are expensive and I can only do so many boards at a time in them. I am looking for something that is safe, large enough to handle big boards, has a lid and some way of standing the boards or keeping them separate so that the solution can move freely around all parts of the board.

Also, has anyone found small submersible acid resistant pumps? I know, tall order, I am using a submersible fish tank water agitator, and so far it's holding up, but I think I need something made specifically for acid.

I don't hardly have as many buckets going as you but I have often wondered how to make the best use of things, I built this the other day out of PVC sheet and rods to hold memory sticks, it worked pretty well, was just a little bigger than I though but it did work ok,holds 44 sticks easily you can stack a 3rd row but they often fall out. I though I was ready for a larger batch but I found there is always a lot to learn :) of course the sides are 1/4" x 4" PVC sheet the rods are 1/4" just ran them into a die to thread them, cut some 1/4" x 1" and drilled and taped it for nuts.

Well on mine that fits in a 5 gallon bucket, I get about 40 ram sticks in, doing the whole stick, I sometimes think I overthink stuff, got good flow, make a bubbler out of a piece of hard tube drilled some 0.2mm holes in it, but I think the air stone would be better, I have a couple hundered ram stick to do but been holding off , the AP works good but on the fingers and gets the copper out of the vias through the board but getting them out of the board seems to be a little harder without working on them one by one. Still pretty early on in my level of experience too. My main problem is somewhere to work. The bad thing about doing whole ram sticks is there is a lot of excess copper to eat up, but hey.

75 pounds of fingers, that is a bunch!
Hey Scott. just a thought. How about large coleman type coolers. http://www.google.ca/imgres?start=71&hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&biw=1536&bih=783&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Zz9zpbKShMEjyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fullonfishing.co.nz/contents/en-us/d844_COleman_Chilly_Bins.html&docid=87Jc0crj0nK28M&imgurl=http://www.fullonfishing.co.nz/contents/media/coleman_95l_uvx_marine_cool.jpg&w=624&h=465&ei=ztr8T57TO6LV0QGSuIHbBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=557&vpy=168&dur=4001&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=107&ty=87&sig=112862279529287805485&page=3&tbnh=135&tbnw=179&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:71,i:62

The plastic ones of course.
I have my chemicals stored on one of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/Two-2-Drum-4-Drum-Interlocking-Hazmat-Spill-Containment-Pallets-Low-Profile-/320817706977?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab239b7e1
got it at an auction for around a hundo.
You know, a cooler doesn't sound like a half bad idea, if the plastic would hold up to the acid. If you have one with a drain, it would make filtering out the foils easier.

I am using 5 gallon buckets, and a few of these:


The plating tanks work great for large PC boards, I don't have to break them up. I use one for just stripping base metals, and another to foil the gold. I was thinking about using something like this:


I think what I am going to do is take a 55 gallon DI water barrel that is made out of dense polypropylene and has a fused lid. I bought some for accumulating metals like Al to later sell to a scrap yard. I had to saw the tops off because the lids are fused/welded to the barrel. The only access to the barrel is a small hole for the water pump to be inserted into. I was thinking of taking one, turning it over on it's side and then cutting an opening across the entire length that then could be hinged, as a lid. Using the hole in the fused lid for a drain/ball valve, to use as a drain. Placing a acid resistant pump inside the barrel to act as an agitator, and so that the solution flows around the material. To recover the foils I would attach a filter bag to the submersible pump outlet, and let the pump circulate the water through the filter bag, recovering the gold foils like a vacuum might. Pumping air into the tank is the real issue. I don't want to use 50 small air stones and 50 air lines with as many air pumps.

Smack said:
I have my chemicals stored on one of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/Two-2-Drum-4-Drum-Interlocking-Hazmat-Spill-Containment-Pallets-Low-Profile-/320817706977?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab239b7e1
got it at an auction for around a hundo.

That's pretty slick...

I am just using a plastic Koi pond at the moment.

I use one of these when i want air agitation. It will put a good boil in a 1/2 filled 55 gal barrel. 1/8 in hose open. http://www.biostad.com/product.aspx?id=405114&desc=Schuco-Mist_5711-102_Pump

For your needs sounds like you need a shop compressor. Small hose and no air stones.

How about a high volume peristaltic pump?

Remember, for A/R you want the air entrainment, not just the fluid flow.
I deal with a lot of these issues in my salt water aquariums. I don't use airstones in my tanks, instead when I pump the water from my reef filter, back into the tank, I have it flow over a slope. Anytime water flows over a fall, it takes air into the tank. It works a lot better than air stones. If I find the right submersible pump then I'll create a way for the solution to be pumped over a slope and back into the tank. The bubbles produced would be much smaller, and stay in the solution longer as well as creating agitation with the fluid moving back into the tank. I don't know why your post made me think of how I do it in my aquariums, I am not sure why I didn't think of it before, but I think this would be the very best way of introducing air into an AP tank.

Matter of fact, I can also adapt another thing I use in my salt water tanks. A pre filter, if I have a pump in a sump, and have the solution enter a pre-filter before moving to the sump, any foils that are agitated into solution would be caught in the pre filter.

I think I'm going to play with this a bit on a small scale and see what I could up with. I think it would be fairly inexpensive, and create a situation where you would not have to filter the solution with funnels, etc.

a very low tech way that i do pins and small boards that pack close together. i bought a HDPE colander thats too big to fit in a bucket and cut it so that it is a snug fit. a bucket is larger at the top and tapers as it goes down. i put the airstone in first and then the colander.i load my material in the colander. the air has no other path but to travel up through the material. you really dont want to put more than a pound or a little over a pound of copper in 3 gallons of AP at once or you could get a lot of white copper chloride crystals formed.
What about a large grain/feed bin for cattle. They are very heavy duty and come with lids. I bought a couple hundred a few years back for various common scrap at about $3.00 a piece . I've found farmers selling them on craigslist quite a bit and they do hold up to a/p. Just giving another option.



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hey Scot what about this.

A large drum 55 gal with removable lid with a plastic ball valve at the bottom. if you have a vacuum pump you can use the exhaust to blow air though an aerator PVC pipe cap pointing up with holes on top. it would be best to have a false bottom with a rod attracted to remove or agitate the feed stock. Like in the Tupperware pickle containers.

false bottom could be a laundry basket with holes drilled/melted in the bottom handle PVC pipe with a bulkhead fitting. you could run your air line down it. or use it as the aerator with the cap on the bottom with holes on the sides. If you could find some way to make it go up and down with the air pressure and make it burp out the air as it does.

just some thoughts

Check out northern tool they have farm chemical and fule tanks poly 30 gallon to 2000 gallon


Cant get the url to work but what ever you get the idea