HCL/peroxide hcl/Clorox - paper filter

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Active member
Mar 22, 2010
If there is paper(cheap filter disintegrated with my gold!) with the gold flake after hcl/perxoide what is best method to iliminate before hcl/clorox to get purer aucl? Or would paper manage to survivie the hcl/clorox as well? Burn it off? Not sure here best bet to get it out of my mix.
I am using simple coffee paper filters. They never dissolved. When I am filtering HCl/clorox I rinse that paper out of any yellow liquid at the end by putting some water in. You will be diluting your solution before (SMB) drop with water anyway.
Are you washing the cleaned gold foils off the original filter paper into a container of some sort first before adding the HCL / CL to dissolve the gold? All the extras that tag along with the foils get left behind (green pieces of fingers, etc.) when the foils dissolve. Then that all gets filtered out when
the auric cloride passes through the next clean filter.

I hope that makes sense as I am trying to understand the original question.
I havent done the hcl/clorox as of yet as I bought cheap filters that ended up dissintegrating and my current mush is paper and gold junk basically due to filter disolving apart...going to reclean with hcl/peroxide but doesnt really get ride of paper content in it. If hcl/clorox will only eat metals then I could prolly due that as you said basically dissolving and then filtering(with better filters now!) and end up with my pure auoric cloride to percipitate to my clean gold???
Your paper pulp will likely survive Hcl/cl but should do no harm. When you filter before precipitating be sure to rinse well. Save the filter and pulp to incinerate when you have accumulated enough.
Good deal thats kinda what I thought...just wanted to be sure. Thanks for the information...this forum is GREAT for us hobbyist just wanting to play and even with my inteligence its just a matter of finding the information with any reliability and since you guys have been there done that it helps a ton.
When dissolving filtered impure gold powder (especially small amounts) in hot AR, I would often put both the powder and the paper in the AR. The paper would turn to pulp and tend to act as a filter aid and collect the small particles, such as AgCl. I then diluted the AR 3X with H2O. When filtering this, I would rinse well until no yellow color was evident and then save it for future incineration.
I'm only working with small batches for now until I get the process down better...no need loosing mass quantities learning...hehe

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