hcl pins

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
Ellis, Kansas
I have a some header pins still soldered to the board in staright HCL right now. My issue is that it looks like my gold is being disssolved too. I am wondering why this looks like it is? Thanks, Kobe
Are you using HCl or some type of concrete cleaner? I was encountering the same thing when using concrete cleaner that was because of chemicals added to HCl. Gold was not dissolved only covered with silverish coat of something. When I rinsed pins with water and incinerated a little bit they were back yellow.
Some concrete cleaners contain Nitric acid,and will make weak AR if added to Hcl.That is how I started when I had no access to Nitric.If that is true in this case then the discoloration after incineration could simply be explained as hardening or tempering from the heat,turning the metal a different color that appears to be gold but isnt.
However if the concrete cleaner you are using contains no nitric than this is not the case.If you are using concrete cleaner,you can aquire an MSDS from the place you purchased it from or sometimes online.
copperkid_18 said:
I have a some header pins still soldered to the board in staright HCL right now. My issue is that it looks like my gold is being disssolved too. I am wondering why this looks like it is? Thanks, Kobe
Good to see you still around!
2 ideas:
1) What temp is your HCl at? Temperature definitely a factor in solubility.
2) How old are the pins? The newer ones have a plating so thin that they don't always come off as foils. There's still recoverable Au there, you'll just need to process the powder. Sometimes the "foils" are such fine particles that you can only see the "SHINE" with magnification.

just my dos centavos.
pins age range from 10-25 years old.... They are just sitting in the garage so probably about 70 degrees... It seems that the plating is almost all stripped and there is lots of dull looking partices in the bottom, This is probably my gold right?!?
copperkid_18 said:
pins age range from 10-25 years old.... They are just sitting in the garage so probably about 70 degrees... It seems that the plating is almost all stripped and there is lots of dull looking partices in the bottom, This is probably my gold right?!?

Have you got a heater in that garage because the temp outside is in the 30's and wind is blowing?

And you know your dad is going to get hold of you when his tools start rusting. You will still have fumes escape from the container possibly.
copperkid_18 said:
its in a sealed container

Be very careful opening sealed containers with reactions going on inside them. You never know what kind of gases will come out when they are opened. Sealed reactions have also been known to rupture the reaction container if left sealed too long in a heated area.

The garage they are in is attached to the house and it is heavily insulated, thats why it is that warm. And the only time I take the lid off is when I take it outside.

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