HCl strength to get pins off CPU chips

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
Rock Island
I thought I had seen a post that told the recommended strength of HCl to use for depopulating circuit boards
(which I assume would also work for removing the pins from P4 and other processors, too),

but I have failed to find that thread/post after several searches.

Does anybody have that thread/post bookmarked, or maybe know the proper search term to use
to locate this information?


If you want to remove the pins off of fiber CPU's there is a far easier, and faster way of doing it.

Get a regular cheap propane torch. Hold your fiber CPU with a pair of plies so that all the pins are exposed and you can keep your hand at a safe distance, you should wear welding or casting gloves to be safe. Then hit the pins with the torch flame, it doesn't take very much to get them to release. Shake or tap the CPU now on a dish, I use stainless steel, if you try to use plastic the hot pins can melt right through the bottom, so your dish should be stainless steel, or ceramic that is heat resistant, etc. It only takes a few seconds for each CPU once you get used to doing it this way. Then you can process your pins accordingly.

Does soaking the chips in HCl to remove the pins take quite a while?

Do you use a spreader tip on your torch when removing CPU pins?


i use a Wagnar HT1000 heat gun.it works great.not alot of smoke unless you intentionally leave the heat in one spot.after it heats up, the legs come off really quickly.
I bought a Hakko SMDrework station several years ago, when my son's Xbox was malfunctioning, partly
with the notion of getting into repairing Xboxes, and then never used it.

I got it out of the box last week and tried it on several motherboards, to see how well it would help
removing PCI slot pins------------it's a quality piece of equipment, and even has temperature monitoring
at the tip of the handpiece, but is really meant for BGA and SMD parts, so was too slow to suit me
for getting those pins off the boards.

So, can you vary the temperature on your Wagner heat gun, or is it preset from the factory?

Either way, it sounds like it works pretty well----------I'll have to look into acquiring one.



I bought a Wagner HT-1000 on ebay for $28, and it should be here by the end of next week.

So, I found out that it has 2 heat settings.

I figured that if I use the same heat gun you are using, and do the pin removal process the same
way you do, if I run into a problem, at least the heat gun won't be a variable.

Thanks for that info,



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