HCl with Sulfamic Acid- Can it be used ?

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Oct 12, 2008
Looking to do the AR solution but i run into problem finding straight HCl from hardware stores even in the form of cleaners for stones, bricks and so forth.
I did pick up so cleaner that states it has Sulfamic Acid 98 g/L and HCl 53 g/L but the color is pink and thick. Can it be used ?

Also only can find granular chlorine from pool shops and hardware stores, i take it i can use the chlorine is i add it first to water to make a solution.

Last but not least i have run a small batch of the HCl/Sulfamic Acid with chlorine some of the gold dissipated a bit. But the time was a 24 hours before they dissipated. I now have a yellow bottom, milky white top that was thick but will mix back in, turning it all white and on the very top white foam that has yet to dissipate. Should i see if i can filter off the white top and try to claim the yellow part ?
Never mind, while waiting for an answer i popped out to a pool shop a bit further away and was able to score some straight HCL in 5 litter containers around $16 Oz dollars or 20 liter drum for $25 Oz. For those of you in Oz try Poolside stores they stock a lot of HCL.

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