You can't allow the dendritic crystal to touch your anodes or the bags. As others have said, they'll burn holes in your anode bags allowing the slimes out. If they grow through to the anodes they create a short circuit.vjodhani said:I have checked for stray currents but there is not any but as u said the side cathode sheets do touch the bags and also dendrites form from cathode and touch bag.But do you think the after dendrites form and touch the bag it will begin to grow further inside the bag?
In the picture you provided, I'm assuming the bars that come down between the cathodes and the anode bags are the scrapers. These are necessary in a Moebius cell because the anodes and cathodes are placed much closer together than in a Thum cell. The crystals will quickly span this narrow gap and contacts the anodes and bags. In the cell in your picture I would expect the scrapers to oscillate back and forth at regular intervals to knock the crystals off the cathodes.
If you don't have scrapers, you need them. If you have them and crystals are still reaching the anode bags, you need to increase the intervals till no crystals reach your bags.