Hello everyone, I'm Ricardo Bueno, a small-scale miner from Colombia, South America.

Gold Refining Forum

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Ricardo Bueno

Oct 19, 2024
Hello everyone,

I'm Ricardo Bueno, a small-scale miner from Colombia, South America. With years of experience in the mining industry, I'm eager to expand my knowledge and network. I've joined this forum to tap into your collective expertise, learn from your successes and challenges, and explore potential opportunities.

I'm passionate about optimizing my operations and staying up-to-date on industry best practices. Your guidance and insights will be invaluable in helping me take my endeavors to the next level.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your expertise. I look forward to engaging with this community, learning from each other, and potentially collaborating on exciting projects.

Best regards,
Ricardo Bueno
Welcome to the forum, is your experience with placer gold or hard rock mining? What you do currently as well as what you would like to expand into will generate some interesting and informative conversation for all.
Thank you for the warm welcome! I have a background in alluvial deposit mining, specifically in gold extraction and commercialization. Recently, I discovered significant amounts of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) in black sand deposits, which sparked my interest in exploring opportunities in this sector.
Currently, I'm seeking expertise and guidance on efficiently separating and processing PGMs from these deposits. My experience lies in mechanical separation methods, but I lack knowledge in chemical and pyrometallurgical processes.
I joined this forum to tap into the collective expertise and experience of its members, hoping to gain valuable insights and advice on:
*. Effective separation methods for PGMs in black sand deposits
*. Suitable processing techniques for PGM ore
*. Potential partnerships or collaborations for developing these opportunities
I look forward to engaging in informative discussions and learning from the community.

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