HELP gold is still remaining!!

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Sep 2, 2012
I added two cups of sodi!!!um nitrate to boiling water. 1 cup of sulfric acid, then 3 cups of muratic acid. Had alot of color right away!!!! Gold still showing, should I add more muratic acid to kinda even it back out? I also had to add distilled water because chemicals were below my cpu stuff. Its been sitting for about 8 hrs now and I can still see gold on some of the plating. what do i do to fix this problem???
mdb_228 said:
what do i do to fix this problem???

You should have studied enough to know what you are doing before you start.
Too late for that huh? You aren't doing this in your house are you?

mdb_228 said:
I added two cups of sodi!!!um nitrate to boiling water. 1 cup of sulfric acid, then 3 cups of muratic acid. Had alot of color right away!!!! Gold still showing, should I add more muratic acid to kinda even it back out? I also had to add distilled water because chemicals were below my cpu stuff. Its been sitting for about 8 hrs now and I can still see gold on some of the plating. what do i do to fix this problem???

sodium nitrate + sulfuric acid = nitric acid + sodium sulphate (thank you butcher)
sodium nitrate + hcl = nitric acid + salt water
sulfuric acid + hcl = sulfuric acid + hcl

if your chemical was pure that isnt too much of a mess for now... you probably still have dissolved sodium nitrate,sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, water,dissolved nacl

are you doing this in a safe environnement?

have you heated your solution?
i would put it on gentle heat for some time (do not add anything) and let everything react (with that much nitrate beware of boil over). when everything stop emiting brown fume/numerous tiny bubble, look at your cpu to see if all metal did dissolve, if yes filter, denox,chill and dilute, filter and precipitate the way you want to... if you still have metal undissolved add nitrate little at the time until all metal has dissolved.

you dont need to use sulfuric in that case to make nitric acid ,hcl + nitrate salt make nitric acid...

put this on hold, gold wont go nowhere, go back to reading because you will only be making more mistake if you dont......
I must type slower than ericrm, seems he already posted before I could finish typing, looks like we said thing similar. I will post this anyway.

So you added NaNO3 and H2SO4 not counting water. this would make nitric acid HNO3 (how much water would determine strength of acid), and this would also form Na2SO4 (sodium sulfate) in solution, or sodium bisulfate NaHSO4 (depending on how acid the solution was).

You also added HCl acid to this acidic mix (this with nitric acid would form, a form of aqua regia, and NaCl salt in solution also.

Now lets say we had Iron in the CPU's (kovar pins ), NaHSO4 + Fe--> FeSO4, So if iron was in solution we could also form ferrous sulfate (used to precipitate gold from aqua regia), a gold reducing agent.

there was no need to add sulfuric acid to this mix.

NaNO3 + 4HCL --> HNO3 + NaCl + 3 HCl {unbalanced formula} poor mans aqua regia.
here we see we form HNO3 and have excess HCl to make a poor mans aqua regia (notice no sulfates involved).

gold does not care how much HCl it has in solution, and since we are making AuCl3 we need three Cl- anions with our one gold cation, so excess HCL does no harm.

the gold will need oxidized before forming a chloride with the HCl, this is where nitric acid comes into play it oxidizes the gold.

ferrous sulfate on the other hand reduces the gold from solution (if you did form this in your mix).

sorry I cannot tell you what you need to add (sounds to me you have too much in the mix already).

I would try heat, before doing anything else.
there is still metal remaining. I got a bunch of formulas from someone on ebay along with a link to this site and the book. I was told just to use sulfuric acid in the beginning but I think I am going to just follow the steps like it says and stop taking advice in the middle. I am in a safe enviroment. The chemicals are not smoking or anything. I have two batches going. The first one is where I screwed up on. the second i followed to the t. However adding heat is going to be tricky because I have like 5 lbs of material in a 3-4 gallon car washing bucket. Which is what I was told to use. I think if I just allow more time then check the results like tomorrow which will be more than 24 hrs I should be good. I am going to continue to read, but I'm calling it a night for now. I've been up for like the apst 48 trying to get this right. Thanks for all of your input. So I will stop using the sulfuric and just stick with the miratic for now until I have some more exp. under my belt. a
I kinda mastered one process using a 6volt battery charger, lead cathrode, and stainless steel anode to remove gold plated items, I just wasa't producing enough gold to make it worth my time with that method. I also hear that I can use a copper mesh and higher amps but I have to have a diff setup as far as the container goes. Plus keep a eye on the temp and spillage.
thanks for your help and much more would be great to be able to pull this off. I will respond in the am with what it looks like and hopefully we can go from there.
thanks again,
I will have to dig through my invoices. I think he told me to just use sulfuric acid since i can get it so cheap no knowing that I had already added the 2 cups of boiling water along with nano3. When he finally understood what I did he said "I never heard of anyone doing it that way before". Anyways before I log off and crash for the night I seen someone's response said something about wanting/needing a diamond. i have a loose 1.05 ct V1 I considering selling. I think the color was graded a K or something simuliar. Its a round diamond. Give me ur email and I will try to send u some pics.
oK the first formula is the exact same. Metal started stripping buy you can still see gold on stuff.
The second i WAS tying to make aqua regia but it hasnt all dissolved yet, the gold. there is of white mucky on top
I am thinking about going a buying a crock pot just so I can add heat to the stuff.
Hi Matt!
Bro, you need to stop what you're doing and become acquiented with the different processes; if you don't, not only will you be creating more problems, but I'm afraid you might hurt yourself or even others around you.
Decide first, which type of matertial you would like to process first; learn how to safely process it, and then go to the next type.
It seems that you started with the sulphuric cell, so, check out Lazersteve's website and check the video on the sulphuric cell.

For processing the karat gold jewelry using the AR process, there's a ton of information on the subject and a search will help you to learn the safe and proper procedures.
This chemicals can be deadly if you don't follow the safety procedures. WARNING: No "cartridge type" respirator will filter out nitric fumes, NONE!!!
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So, take care and be safe! 8)


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