help me please

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Jul 8, 2007
I am new to refining and i messed it up. i dissolved some gold in aqua regia and forgot to neutralize the nitric before trying to drop out the gold with smb. reaalizing this i added some urea to neutralize the nitric. i apparently added too much and ended up with extra urea at the bottom so i added more nitric to dissolve the urea and it made even more of a mess and redissolved the gold i let it sit over night hoped that it would drop out the gold. when i checked it in the morning there was a thick yellow froth on top and no gold in the bottom. can anyone help me out or did i ruin this solution beyond repair.
the smb i added didnt drop any gold and it most likely didnt just evaporate and i know theres gold in it cause i added karat gold to the aqua regia how do i get it out i think i may have messed up because i added the smb before the urea. and i think i may have added to much urea and to smb but when i added the extra nitric to eat up the extra urea it ate the gold and smb too and i have no more urea. my other question is the was a thick yellow froth on top of the acid.what was that and did it harm the solution the should be about an ounce of gold in there so its something id really like to figure out how to get it out.
well i read most of hoke and read all of the forum handbook i knowi made the mistake with the urea in my defense it was 5 am in the morning while i was doing this after work so i was probably more tired than i should have been. iknow the mistake i made im asking for help to recover from it since i cant figure it out on my own
And the stannous test says?
We can help you to sort out your mess, but, we need relevent information to work out what advice to give next.
Considering you expect that there is an ounce of fine gold in there its value is worth saving. You must determine if the values are in the solution or in the sludge / foam. Stannous chloride is the fast track answer there. Until you can test it, save everything. When you know where the gold is and isn't, come back and we can walk you through recovering it.
i tested with stannous chloride and it didnt show any sort of reaction and neither did the froth but it did turn semi crystalline in look and texture i dont know what that means. if the gold is trapped in the crystalline solution or not. i just know there was gold in there and im hoping its still there.
spcake89 said:
i tested with stannous chloride and it didnt show any sort of reaction and neither did the froth but it did turn semi crystalline in look and texture i dont know what that means. if the gold is trapped in the crystalline solution or not. i just know there was gold in there and im hoping its still there.
spcake89, can you post pictures of your tests this would help if you are able.
Thats just what I wanted to say, please post some pictures of the test and the solution. Just remember one thing, your gold is still there you didn't lose anything!
If you still have free nitric then the stannous test will show negitive for gold. Search the forum for posts about AR and find the procedure for ridding your solution of free nitric by evaporating it down and adding hydrochloric acid several times. Then test your solution and see what you have. Good luck, I hope you find your gold.
i should b able to have pictures for you in like afew hours. and yeah i didnt think about there being a complication with the excess nitric.
Try adding some solution to a plastic spoon or spot dish and add a peril or two of urea with just a drop or two of water. Then try your stannous test again.
Without testing the solution with stannous you will not know for sure what you have. Did you get your stannous made yet?

edited; spcake89 check out my post second page the two test pics and the au/cl

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