Help mixing AP

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New member
Aug 10, 2015
hi my name is tygue this is my first post iv read all the safty posts and today i tryed to etch the gold from pins i had collected i used a mix of hcl and 25% of 30% procide it worked fine when i used the same mix on some cell phone pcb's it ate the gold to is there a way i must do the mix or some chart to go by when mixing the ap or what please help me out this is all new to me i lost all the gold flakes in the ap too and aded water now how would i cement them out. thanks
Well, you may need to drop back and read a little more before you proceed.
AP is not the best choice for processing gold pins. Search "gold pins" and you
will see a lot of information on Nitric acid and other common processes.

The gold is probably still there but your understanding of what is happening
is not. Knowledge and patience are powerful things!! 8)
In general, less is more. The objective of muriatic and peroxide is to attack the copper or nickel underneath the gold preferentially. Too much oxidant and there goes the gold.

To remedy your situation, add more pins and be light handed on the H2O2.
tygue, welcome to the forum. As Lou mentioned, you probably used too much hydrogen peroxide, especially if you're using 25 or 30%. You only need a capful of 3% to start a fresh batch of AP.

The gold will cement out as you continue to use the solution. As Lou suggested, add more pins.

I created a guide to help new members get started here. Take a look at the Tips for Navigating and Posting on the Forum thread. You'll find a lot of helpful links.

Pay attention to the General Posting Guidelines post. Your post is filled with spelling and punctuation errors, which can cause problems in understanding for other members. If you don't want to bother checking your posts, don't be surprised if other members don't want to bother to respond.

I'm going to move this thread to the Help Needed section, where it belongs.

Your text would be much earier to read if you have used punctuations and sentences.

Regarding your problem with gold plated PCBs. On newer cell phones plating is so thin that you don't get any foils, just small particles (dust).
hi guys thanks for the info i ran a second batch on the cell pcb's and done a little math when mixing the ap with a much better out come. i also have a lot of crushed ichips that i tryed to pan with no luck any info on that i would be gratfull and i dont have access to nitric. sorry for all my spelling mistaks my brain only works for math.
hi again didnt have much time sending my last post just wanted to clear some things the batch of gold pins i done with the 75hcl 25 prox worked i got little gold flakes and the blackish mud gold out. i dont think i have any gold in the ad because its so full of copper if i put a drop of water it goes milky am i correct there? the cell pcb's are the old ones with nice gold plating. with the new ap mix i got the foils off almost whole. now the chushed ic chips i removed all the magnetic pices witch i cant find how to go about procesing those. whats left i tryed to pan with no luck. thanks again guys

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