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Feb 23, 2016
I have a problem!!!!!! I found 2 kg of pentium pro , just that I can not get deposit gold !!!!!! I put the CPU in aqua regia and I left to soak for one night , the next day I filtered everything and I noticed that gold had broken away from all cpu !!!! I put the liquid in a container du glass and I poured urea us , die days have passed and I see nothing Settle on the bottom !!!! I only see a yellow mush that seems mud !!!! what can I do?
teomm said:
I have a problem!!!!!! I found 2 kg of pentium pro , just that I can not get deposit gold !!!!!! I put the CPU in aqua regia and I left to soak for one night , the next day I filtered everything and I noticed that gold had broken away from all cpu !!!! I put the liquid in a container du glass and I poured urea us , die days have passed and I see nothing Settle on the bottom !!!! I only see a yellow mush that seems mud !!!! what can I do?


Im not trying to discourage. At all.
-i want to help you, as do the other guys here. But we need to know a few things fiest (the picture helps..but...)

How much HCl?
Did you heat it?
Did you break the cpu's?
Did you test with stannous chloride?
Why did you use urea?
You are (from the sounds of it) expecting.urea to precipitate gold from the aqua regia?
How much urea did you add?-i think you now have some nasty nitrate compounds in your beaker
You say the gold foils are floating around? Did they dissolve at all?
Do you have a picture of the material?
Picture of the filter?
Where(if i may ask) did you get the information of recovering and refining?

-you would be best served to put everything up in a safe place while learning how to fix the mistakes that have been done.

Your gold is not lost, just misplaced.

You are alot further away than you would like to be, that much is certain. But, there is hope yet!

Also, are you working inside?

You will really want to be outside or in a very well ventilated area.

Most definitely want to keep your keys and anything of value (made of metal) away from your work space...otherwise, they will rust and rot away into nothing but dust.

After looking at the picture again...and again... The solution looks like it may have a bit of gold in it... But, thats nothing more than conjecture bases on the (seemingly) yellowish tint to the green (which may be from the huge amounts of urea you.probably added thinking that IT was what precipitates gold from your auric chloride)

Stannous chloride is much better at telling you where your gold is than some random guy half a world away from you, that is staring at a picture of a mess he has never encountered before.

When you took out the chips, there undoubtedly was black covering it, that is gold, i hope you kept the chips and your filters.

Im glad to see gloves in your picture and (what looks like) a box of sodium bicarbonate. Safety matters...never know how much until you really need it.

But, now what is needed is a great deal of study.. I am afraid that i cannot help you if you have made a nitrate complex with your overdose of urea, but a lot of smart guys here can.

Please be safe.

First of all decant the green liquid, wash the precipitate and add to liquid.
Precipitate the gold from liquid (many possibilities) but not expect too much
Brightly coloured liquids in a cocktail shaker, but that are deadly toxic salts and acids. Have a think about that for just a moment.

As soon as possible, you need to throw that container away. And when you do, you should break it so no one can ever find it and use it again.
Stop... listen... read. Take everything tought from you tube and wherever else you are getting your ideas and put it away. Lock up everything and hide the keys till you are ready. Not trying to be negative, tryi g to save your life before you loose it.

I don't know what your experience level with refining is, but I suspect that it is very little to none. You really need to get to know these chemicals before you use them. Read Hoke's... read the forum and start with something a little less deadly than nitric.
You want help? How about answer the questions of those that tries to help you?

Have you done stannous testing? If not, why?

If you don't understand my questions you need to stop what you are doing and do some studying. The library contains a lot of good threads. You should also download Hoke's book and read it, then you might understand what we are telling you to do.

Goran I suspect your wasting your breath, he ignores the questions that could help him, I hope I'm wrong and it could just be a language problem but we will soon see from his next response.
Last night i had a big reply typed out in response to the OP, but, after reading it again.. I realised that it was all in vain, as the majority of the post, was already written in my first reply to him in this thread.


**Please help us, to be able to help you.**

I know that english is not your first language.
Or i hope not at least, if so, i have lost ALL faith in the public education system in the states (wasnt much faith left to lose)

You have a potentially *very* dangerous situation with your solution.

You need to at least show us *some* effort.


-topher, the troubled
From the picture I suspect he did not use enough solution. I've seen it, and I have done it.

The separations are a result of auto cementing, with each metal having a different mass they will seek there own level in the solution and the separation takes place.
Think in terms of buoyancy. The fact that he added Urea, well, not much to say there except dry it out, and start over.

I often take advantage of auto cementing to reduce my solution volume, by intentionally not using enough Ar the gold will self cement.
However you have to be aware that it will happen.

The key is testing the solution. At the start it always tests' positive for gold and I have no gold foils. Once the gold plating has be breached by the Ar, the weaker base metals will dissolve at a much higher rate, saturating the solution and forcing out gold powder, then gold foils start to show up. At that point I filter it and put the solution back on the chips to continue its' work.
nickvc said:
Goran I suspect your wasting your breath, he ignores the questions that could help him, I hope I'm wrong and it could just be a language problem but we will soon see from his next response.
No worries, I'm writing more for the ones reading this thread without posting than the original poster.

Go back a couple of years and check the number of views on threads, even ones without a lot of answers have hundreds of views. That's why I always spend a few moments extra to check spelling and layout with preview on every post I make.

joekbit said:
From the picture I suspect he did not use enough solution. I've seen it, and I have done it.

The separations are a result of auto cementing, with each metal having a different mass they will seek there own level in the solution and the separation takes place.
Think in terms of buoyancy. The fact that he added Urea, well, not much to say there except dry it out, and start over.

I often take advantage of auto cementing to reduce my solution volume, by intentionally not using enough Ar the gold will self cement.
However you have to be aware that it will happen.

The key is testing the solution. At the start it always tests' positive for gold and I have no gold foils. Once the gold plating has be breached by the Ar, the weaker base metals will dissolve at a much higher rate, saturating the solution and forcing out gold powder, then gold foils start to show up. At that point I filter it and put the solution back on the chips to continue its' work.

I dont know if drying it out is a good idea or not?
If it does have a urea/metal/nitrate complex, it may want to go boom.

Again i truly do not know though?

Can we get a chemist's thoughts on that?
An elaboration to the downfalls of too much urea?
sorry for my bad English , but it's not my native language !!! I'm using google translator!!!
I make a brief summary of some more detailed !!!!
a week ago I did a test with about 5 cpu and eventually I got this !!!!
teomm said:
sorry for my bad English , but it's not my native language !!! I'm using google translator!!!
I make a brief summary of some more detailed !!!!
a week ago I did a test with about 5 cpu and eventually I got this !!!!


  • image.jpeg
    1.7 MB · Views: 170
teomm said:
sorry for my bad English , but it's not my native language !!! I'm using google translator!!!
I make a brief summary of some more detailed !!!!
a week ago I did a test with about 5 cpu and eventually I got this !!!!

*brief* is an understatement

So, to me, that second picture looks like gold.

But, i can say with certainty, that urea is not a reducing agent for the precipitation of gold.

Can you please go back and read my first reply and answer those questions?

It will be time consuming. But, i believe most of the foreign language speaking members use more than one translator. And use it on a word by word basis, as many languages flip the subject verb noun order up and when a whole sentence or paragraph gets thrown into the translator, it makes a mess of things.

What is your native tongue?

We surely have someone fluent in it here, but still, english is the board language, and it would behoove you to brush up on it.

We want to help you, but we need more details than something so VERY brief
teomm said:
I speak italian

I wish i could help you more, but the limited Italian and spanish i know, is just from the "duo-lingo" android app and its at best, very basic conversational. So, i don't believe i could assist very well in your native tongue.

But, i do know there are a couple people on here that speak italian, i can't recall whom, but, hopefully they see this and can help.

Can you try to translate and answer previously posed questions?

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