Help to build a electrolytic cell

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New member
Aug 2, 2012
Hi guys,

First of all, i want to apolagise for my bad and poor english,
Mi name is Ariana, i´m from Portugal and i need your precious help.

My father is a goldsmith and in the past few years (25 years) he works alot with silver, and now he stops to work and he wants to refining 20kg of silver that he have, and wants to sell.

I look around alot in google, but i can' t find anything that explain me step by step (anything like a tutorial) how to build an electolytic cell to refine silver. So, what i need to ask you guys, is this: does any one here has build an electrolytic cell before? Do you know Moebius cell or Dietzel cell? Can anyone help me please?

I will wait for your reply soon.

Many tanks for your help.


welcome to the forum, you have found the best place to learn, there is a lot of information, including pictures, on building and maintaining a silver cell, as well as a lot of information as to what problems may develop and how to avoid them, sorry there is no one simple tutorial that I know of, although some members may have put out information on the subject, Laser Steve may have a DVD, he is very thorough in his information, My suggestion is to study the forum for what you need, almost any question you could think to as has been covered and those you would not think of are also here, the search tool On laser Steve's web site is the one I use when I want to find something on the forum it seems to be a great tool to find what I need. GSP (Gold Silver Pro) and Harold have provided us with a wealth of knowledge about building and running silver cells, read through the forum and learn what they have written for you to learn from, look also for posts on silver cells, several of our members have made threads showing their silver cells and discussions of running them.

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