i have a few dozen of each of these chips respectively. i have never processed any and before i rip them open, i was hoping someone has some information on them and maybe what they contain.
that is gold plating on the bottom.
I searched a bit, but these parts seem to be have produced only for a short period of time from LSI and then by some others- So any data may be very uncertain.
I would breake open the chip and take a look inside with a microscope or spyglass.
update on these chips. WOW!! i really like these chips.i dissected a couple to see what the insides look like. the bottom with the balls are plated with some nice thick traces. after getting the three sections apart, the part with gold traces seems to be made of mylar. the traces extend from where the ball connects all the way to the chip. this means the bonding wire goes from the ball to the chip. i cant find a copper underlay on the mylar. the chip border is the edge of the black resin. the bonding wires end there.the chip is attached with epoxy. i hope there is no base metal under the gold.ill report the yield on a test amount.