Help with MB connections/slots/sockets

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2009
Do you guy's depopulate/process the following from motherboards?
CPU socket/slot
DIMM slots
HDD/CD-Rom and Floppy connectors
Power supply slotted connector
PCI, ISA and PCI(E) slots
Keyboard and mouse connectors
Network slot
Video (intergrated)
Sound ports

Most of the boards I have only have slight visible traces of Au on one side of the connector
tips of each one of the above so I'm not sure if they are worth the time to
remove and process. Gold is Gold but time and supplies are heavy variables.

-Craig Collins
I do, but all that stuff goes into a pile and I just leave it to gather over time. Once I have have enough to make it worth it, I may process it or I may just throw it up on ebay.. depends on what you're looking to do.

If you're looking to recover/refine gold for fun, by all means strip boards/components, etc..

If you're looking to make some $, sell 'em on ebay.. save your knuckles! ;)
Funny you mentioned you knuckles!
My kids think I'm trying to set a fashion trend with bandaid. :lol:

Ebay sounds like a good option. The boards have been stripped of all flatpacks and monolithic capacitors. I would have to put that in the description for the buyer or it would be deceptive. Despite my username, I'm a fair player. Would they still sell on ebay? Any other idea's?

I do as well I have been for some time and have it all sorted into lots the process differently. I do understand the the really small parts do not yeald a lot of AU but every little bit helps...
I sort the items by content and type, when I am finished the boards are clean of any metals.

Ray 8)
My boards are far from clean of all metal. Most of the items I mentioned
earlier are still on my boards with the exception of
HDD/CD-Rom and Floppy connectors and plated pins.

I'm assuming that you have processed the mentioned items.
Do they have a yield that would warrant the time it takes to
strip the boards?

You see, I'm not into the processes yet. As of now I'm only collecting
to be processed later.

Despotic said:
My kids think I'm trying to set a fashion trend with bandaid. :lol: -Craig

:lol: :lol: :lol:

btw.. don't know what you guys do with all the stuff you strip off, but I do NOT throw anything out.. especially monoliths (they may be Pt bearing ;) )

I seperate all that stuff flatpaks and IC's in one box, monoliths in another, assorted diodes etc in another and so on.. I figure eventually I can throw all those up on ebay, there's people out there that know how to process those sorts of things.. about the only thing I don't save off of boards is the fiberglass/copper cladding or the solder.. :lol: If I had a way to collect and save the solder I would do that too, because there is Ag in there as well, but then you have do deal with lead, etc etc..