HELP with strange Aqua Regia results after precipitate!

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Jan 13, 2016
0114161244.jpgOk so i know i was messing with fire when i started but im not one to shy from a challenge and work never scared me. That being said i talked to a lot of people before attempting to put a 5.5 ounce ball of e-scrap into Aqua Regia-ish solution. I say ish because my HCL to nitric ratios were off. I had closer to 50/50 in my AR-ish. The process was started by a friend and he did a good job of collecting gold fingers, pins, and whatever else from strictly computer scrap. He separated the collections and melted them into the 5.5 ounce ball that i was given. I took the ball to a gold shop and a guy put it on a machine with a laser and told me it was 93% gold and 7% nickel. He also told me that the gold tends to center itself when melting and that my results only prove what is on the outside. So i put it into a 50/50 solution of HCL 38% and Nitric 69.5% and heated it for 2 days on a hotplate until i could see the bubbling stop. My solution was a neon-green color when i checked it with SC for content. I got dark brown spots from testing and was looking to capitalize. I put ice and a little squirt of Sulfuric into a clean beaker and poured in my solution. After letting it sit for a half a day i filtered it and got a few grams of light gray powder. Then i added SMB and waited. Nothing. After researching online i added UREA from prospecting store. It fizzed over from the initial reaction and i lost some solution. I continued to add Urea until no more fizzing. Then i added SMB and got brown fizzing on top of solution and kept adding a little at a time and checking with SC until a day later i got no visible staining. By this time my solution is now pitch black and i could not even see a laser out the other side of the solution. I let it sit for a day and filtered again. FYI: I rinse everything with distilled water and im using borosilicate glass- 2 1000ml straight beakers and a 2000ml straight beaker and carbon stirring rod. Also i did all of this in my garage under a fume hood in winter. Its like 40 degrees in here at night if not lower. Back to my issue. The results of the filtering gave me a good amount of brown crystallized flakes. Between .5mm to 1.5mm in size and odly triangular and flat. It looks like its frozen. I hit it briefly with a heat gun and could see and smell the gassing from residual solution. Smelled Sulfur Ish i think. It could have been chlorinated. I wasnt trying to get a wiff and only smelled it after taking off my mask. It was not frozen and there was no visible change in the shape. Also i got an immediate settling from the last filtered solution. I got white powder on the bottom followed by my dark liquid then a greenish layer and finally my distilled water rinse on top. How should i proceed? I am putting up pics. Thanks for your time.


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There is no computer scrap out there that contain 93% of gold. You mentioned pins, fingers... If majority of them were these 2 and just simply melted then you may be extremely lucky to have about 1% gold in that mix, perhaps not even that.

Do you know what did he melted exactly and how did he do that?
One mistake after another, now you have a toxic substance to deal with, and no gold to show for putting yourself in that danger.

Now that you know how not to do things, and how it does not work, it is time to study how to do things the right way, a way which will help you learn to actually recover and refine precious metals.

Put away the acids, in a safe place, clear your head of all of the things you think you know, most of which is miss-information, or just plain wrong, and study Hoke's book and the forum to actually learn, start with our safety thread.

The metal salts are likely mostly copper, and other metal salts, with maybe a tiny bit of gold, melting the salts would likely put your gold up into that toxic smoke you sniffed.
Listen to Butcher. Even if it 'seems' like harsh criticism, I assure you it's not. If you stick around long enough you will understand this.

You have learned just enough from YouTube to get yourself in trouble. That's all YouTube is good for.

Good news is that you have found the right place to learn what you are trying to do, and to do it safely. Put it all away and spend a few months here studying. You will be glad you did!

Bottom pic looks like a bunch of shredded PCB and bits of leftover pins with what may or may not be a little Au mixed in. Quite a mess. The purple kind of hints at colloidal?
My mistake. I was thinking copper and typed gold. The ball was surveyed at 93% copper. My apologies. No there are not any pieces of boards in there. The final results have been filtered twice before i ever attempted to drop anything out of solution. The picture of the "mystery ingredients" is after i added SMB. I have a copy of Hokes book and i am and have been reading it. Words and practice are two different things. I appreciate all the advice but this is not something i will give up on and any functional advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and post.
Ok so i know i was messing with fire when i started but im not one to shy from a challenge and work never scared me. That being said i talked to a lot of people before attempting to put a 5.5 ounce ball of e-scrap into Aqua Regia-ish solution. I say ish because my HCL to nitric ratios were off. I had closer to 50/50 in my AR-ish.

The process was started by a friend and he did a good job of collecting gold fingers, pins, and whatever else from strictly computer scrap. He separated the collections and melted them into the 5.5 ounce ball that i was given.

I took the ball to a gold shop and a guy put it on a machine with a laser and told me it was 93% gold and 7% nickel. He also told me that the gold tends to center itself when melting and that my results only prove what is on the outside.

So i put it into a 50/50 solution of HCL 38% and Nitric 69.5% and heated it for 2 days on a hotplate until i could see the bubbling stop. My solution was a neon-green color when i checked it with SC for content. I got dark brown spots from testing and was looking to capitalize.

I put ice and a little squirt of Sulfuric into a clean beaker and poured in my solution. After letting it sit for a half a day i filtered it and got a few grams of light gray powder. Then i added SMB and waited. Nothing.

After researching online i added UREA from prospecting store. It fizzed over from the initial reaction and i lost some solution. I continued to add Urea until no more fizzing. Then i added SMB and got brown fizzing on top of solution and kept adding a little at a time and checking with SC until a day later i got no visible staining.

By this time my solution is now pitch black and i could not even see a laser out the other side of the solution. I let it sit for a day and filtered again. FYI: I rinse everything with distilled water and im using borosilicate glass- 2 1000ml straight beakers and a 2000ml straight beaker and carbon stirring rod. Also i did all of this in my garage under a fume hood in winter. Its like 40 degrees in here at night if not lower.

Back to my issue. The results of the filtering gave me a good amount of brown crystallized flakes. Between .5mm to 1.5mm in size and odly triangular and flat. It looks like its frozen. I hit it briefly with a heat gun and could see and smell the gassing from residual solution. Smelled Sulfur Ish i think. It could have been chlorinated. I wasnt trying to get a wiff and only smelled it after taking off my mask. It was not frozen and there was no visible change in the shape. Also i got an immediate settling from the last filtered solution. I got white powder on the bottom followed by my dark liquid then a greenish layer and finally my distilled water rinse on top.

How should i proceed? I am putting up pics. Thanks for your time.
Probably, the reason you aren't getting much response on your situation is two-fold:
(1) No one really wants to wade through that huge paragraph you wrote. Above, I have divided it into 9 paragraphs. I actually did this for my own benefit, since it was unreadable as you wrote it.
(2) Although you show promise, I can't find anything in your process that was done correctly. Everything you did was wrong, from start to finish. I think people read this and don't know how to start helping you. The first time I read your post, I thought you had made all this up and it was April Fools Day.

However, never fear. We'll get you going on the right track. You have wandered onto the only place on the internet that is able to provide you with guaranteed gold refining truth. This stuff isn't as easy as you think it is, by the way.

That 93% gold number you got is hilarious. Even 22 karat gold jewelry doesn't run that high. In reality, the best gold fingers and pins you're likely to find run between 0.5 -.6% gold - 1% is possible, but rare. The guy with the laser??? only missed it by 15,000%.

That sludge you got is likely a mixture of urea nitrate, cuprous chloride, metastannic acid, and a tiny bit (less than a gram) of gold powder, but who cares - if you do things right, you'll never see that stuff again. Were I you, I would start over and do it right this time.

Chemically, your biggest mistake was the 50/50 AR. This was the direct cause of the urea and SMB problems you had.

Melting this stuff made everything harder to do.

Actually, using AR was a bad choice to start with. 50/50 nitric would have dissolved everything but the gold.

I'm having trouble visualizing an "escrap ball". What is a "gold shop"?

Don't listen to anybody that doesn't own a gold refinery or isn't a long term member of this forum. Beware of youtube videos that aren't made by long term members of this forum.
I was never a good grammar student. Not being able to look up from the keyboard doesnt help but i manage. My friend who started all of this was given close to 200 computers by me. He did what he did and took it to a guy with a smelter and all i know is he came back with a sphere of goldish looking metal. The guy i took the ball to owns a store in PHX AZ and buys refined metals. He had a machine with a lid on it and a glass lens was underneath. He put the ball on there and hit a button. Next thing i know he is telling me that its 93% copper with other metal.

Then he tells me that during meltdown into the ball that the gold tends to be in the center because of rates of cooling or something. I dont remember that well. Undaunted i took it home and thus begins my story. Since my post i scraped all the "stuff" out of the jar and into a filter and sprayed it down with distilled water. It now looks light grayish or off white and has lost that crystallized look but still looks like flakes of some kind. I was going to put aluminium foil in the remaining solution to drop everything out and start over. It appears what i have ended up with is unworkable since nobody knows what it is.

I do consider this a well EARNED lesson but i cant stop half way. I need to conclude this experiment and move on. I have more to run through the process but i will wait until i feel more educated. I never made the assumption that it was easy. I did however take for granted that some of my readings online would work as described. Naivety is not my forte but i do feel sheepish now. Live and learn. I am not uneducated but the organic chemistry i took 20 years ago is a little hard to grasp at the moment. No worries i will get it one way or another. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read and respond.
Just a quick pointer for you but I believe using a carbon rod to stir your solution wasn't the wisest choice :?: and as has been pointed out by melting the material you have created much more work for yourself to recover the gold.
Whatever you do do not use aluminium foil to cement the values if any but copper, collect all the powders etc and incinerate them, make sure you do this with good ventilation, extraction or outside.
Then put those powders into HCl and dissolve off as much base metal as possible, rinse well and then to dissolve what's left cover well with HCl heat and slowly add Nitric until all reaction ceases or all the material has dissolved, give it time after each small addition for the acids to work.
If your friend has managed to actually melt any gold into that lump you should now be good to collect it.
I would suggest that you read up fully before trying any of the suggested above before you try this so you fully understand what to expect and the dangers and hazards involved, it's all here on the forum and for free!

I'm not an expert with e scrap but I'm sure one of the better qualified members can give you a rough idea what they think 200 pcs will or should yield, I'd also suggest you do some research into exactly where the values lay within your scrap.

Edited for clarity.

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