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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2013
New York
I was disheartened to find that my one page per page version of hokes would not print.
Maybe it is my version of pdf reader, maybe it is something else.
I was hoping for the extra space to take notes in, but no.
I had to print the printer friendly version, which I printed one sided,
and will deal with the pagination issues involved,
but seriously, I don't understand why Hoke's wouldn't print.
I so much prefer perusing a document at my own pace without the expenditure of electrons.
Oh dwell, I will deal with repaginating this printer friendly version to have a study copy.
I apologize for my outburst of frustration.
Thanks to this forum, I was able to find a different copy of the version I wanted and was able to print.
Not sure which version I had that wouldn't print, maybe it came from Scribd, I don't recall.
Thanks again for maintaining such a valuable resource as this forum.

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