How do I turn my gold solid after refining it into a liquid

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Sep 24, 2012
I used the muriatic acid with clorox to transform the gold from solid to liquid. However, I do not know how to turn it back into a solid what is the process?
You should spend time studying the process before you begin, otherwise you will just find problems and not you’re gold.

Let the solution sit in a warm area, a safe area while you find the answer, your gold will not go anywhere, and the oxidizer chlorine will gas off as you find your answer.
butcher said:
You should spend time studying the process before you begin, otherwise you will just find problems and not you’re gold.

Let the solution sit in a warm area, a safe area while you find the answer, your gold will not go anywhere, and the oxidizer chlorine will gas off as you find your answer.

I was kinda hoping someone had an answer -_-
jbenjamin06 said:
I used the muriatic acid with clorox to transform the gold from solid to liquid. However, I do not know how to turn it back into a solid what is the process?

So from what I'm reading, after the gold is dissolved we boil it with sulfuric acid being careful to not have any splatter. Is this correct? That is what I am studying
jbenjamin06 said:
jbenjamin06 said:
I used the muriatic acid with clorox to transform the gold from solid to liquid. However, I do not know how to turn it back into a solid what is the process?

So from what I'm reading, after the gold is dissolved we boil it with sulfuric acid being careful to not have any splatter. Is this correct? That is what I am studying

Wrong!!!!! You had better do as suggested and do alot more studying. You are on the road to a disaster!!!!!!!
What are you studying? We do not boil a solution of gold chloride this will cause losses of gold, if you are reading Hoke's note that she was using a steam bath, this would not actually get the solution hot enough to boil the solution (even though she may describe the evaporation process by using that word), but with the steam bath it would get it hot enough to evaporate the solution, the sulfuric acid was added for two reasons, and only a few drops were needed, one reason is when working with aqua regia we need to remove any free nitric acid, we do this through evaporation, if evaporated too far by mistake we would form salts, this is not wanted, as we can cook or burn the gold salts, the few drops of sulfuric acid in the evaporation process help to keep these salts from forming, also any lead in solution will precipitate as lead sulfate helping us to remove these lead salts from our gold.

You, I thought have been working with HCl and bleach as an oxidizer (not nitric acid), so evaporation is not an option in this process to remove the oxidizer from our solution before precipitating the gold, luckily chlorine is easily removed as a gas from solution, with just a little heating, or by, as the advice I gave you in the post above, to let it sit in a warm safe place as you study.

I gave you the advice, but you did not recognize it, because you have not studied enough before trying the process.
butcher said:
What are you studying? We do not boil a solution of gold chloride this will cause losses of gold, if you are reading Hoke's note that she was using a steam bath, this would not actually get the solution hot enough to boil the solution (even though she may describe the evaporation process by using that word), but with the steam bath it would get it hot enough to evaporate the solution, the sulfuric acid was added for two reasons, and only a few drops were needed, one reason is when working with aqua regia we need to remove any free nitric acid, we do this through evaporation, if evaporated too far by mistake we would form salts, this is not wanted, as we can cook or burn the gold salts, the few drops of sulfuric acid in the evaporation process help to keep these salts from forming, also any lead in solution will precipitate as lead sulfate helping us to remove these lead salts from our gold.

You, I thought have been working with HCl and bleach as an oxidizer (not nitric acid), so evaporation is not an option in this process to remove the oxidizer from our solution before precipitating the gold, luckily chlorine is easily removed as a gas from solution, with just a little heating, or by, as the advice I gave you in the post above, to let it sit in a warm safe place as you study.

I gave you the advice, but you did not recognize it, because you have not studied enough before trying the process.

Thank you for your input, and yes I did recognize the advice :) but I was told several times to read Hoke's book. It's confusing because there is vocab I'm not familiar with along with processes I haven't seen. Add to that idea that each chemical combination has its own exit strategy as well (as you stated above). I'm currently just waiting on it. But I'm glad the process I chose is merely just letting it evaporate for it itself rather than going through this whole process Hoke is listing. (Very confusing)
I know it is very confusing at first, but after you spend some time studying the pieces to the puzzle, they will begin to fall into place.

This takes a little time and patience, the process you have begun is one of the most simple processes to do, we could walk you through it but then you would not learn much from it, by reading and studying you are learning not only the puzzle piece that you are working on now, but the whole puzzle.

You have just jumped off the ship before you have learned to swim and asking someone to throw you a life preserver.
you’re not going to learn to swim this way, do not worry we will help you learn to swim but you do need to start paddling your arms and legs.
and have enough patience, and quit jumping overboard without learning to swim first.
Take the sound advice your been given. If you find C.M.Hoke confusing your nowhere near ready to start refining. Have you made your stannous chloride solution ? If not why not ? Have you done any of her getting acquainted tests and experiments. We are not trying to be hard on you just trying to get you to understand just how complicated and in many cases dangerous the things we all do are. We don't hold your hand here but will gladly help if you do your part and study and read until what we are all talking about makes sense, making mistakes with chemicals can be deadly. This subject is huge and few if any members know it all,we all learn all the time, so your not on your own. Get up to speed with your studies and stop trying to do something your patently not ready to accomplish or all help will vanish faster than your gold will.

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