How gold can be recovered from ICs (integerated circuit)

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Dear I want to know that how gold and silver can be recovered from ICs
Hello all, I am new to the forum....please forgive if this is in wrong format. My question is similar....following lasersteves recipe, I have heavily gold plated circuit boards from the mid 60''s in AP for a week now.......the foil will not let go. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help
Mingo said:
Hello all, I am new to the forum....please forgive if this is in wrong format. My question is similar....following lasersteves recipe, I have heavily gold plated circuit boards from the mid 60''s in AP for a week now.......the foil will not let go. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help

Do you have photos of the starting material?

Did you remove the solder mask first?

What starting concentration are your reagents?

I can provide jpg's if nessesary......I am using the 2 to 1 ratio on lasersteves other site of Hcl (2 quarts) and 3% peroxide (about 2 quarts now) and no I didn't remove the mask, thanks.
Mingo said:
I can provide jpg's if nessesary......I am using the 2 to 1 ratio on lasersteves other site of Hcl (2 quarts) and 3% peroxide (about 2 quarts now) and no I didn't remove the mask, thanks.

The mask will stop the reaction.

Check out my video on solder mask removal.

Steve....or anyone....before I remove the solder mask from these boards I want to make sure I've got it right :roll: I've been reading alot of threads and I was wondering if I need to incinerate or burn the circuit boards first to remove any base metals in the solder......i cleaned the boards pretty thoroughly but there is still a lot of solder where I removed other components. These boards are from mid-60's oscilloscopes and "appear" to be heavy with gold foil....its very gold colored anyway. I have beakers full of AR with copper chloride residue heavy on the bottom. These were my first attempts before wising up and asking for some help......I keep them to try and reuse the copper. I have a lot to learn apparently :shock: . Thanks again for the help. Tim(Mingo)
Yes Steve, I've watched all of them several times......great stuff..I thank you. I've acquired Hoke also......I'm gonna do this right. I have sources galore for scrap pc's and other telling what I've discarded because I couldn't see results.....I was leaving out several steps. Again Thank you, Tim Oh, and by the way, removing the solder mask did the trick; its percolating nicely now. Used an old crock pot to heat the caustic solution and boards in....worked just like the video.
I get .1 gram per lb they are all mixed and from different equipment types,
some like the square ones are a little higher on occassion do to some of them having gold alloy braze to hold the chip.

I may be missing some as I go for bulk verses squeezing the squeal out of them.


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