Gold Refining Forum

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rogersdt93 said:
MarcoP said:
Hi rogerstd93, as butcher said the assay seems to be correct, nothing dishonest in it.

I would also add, not trying to back moderating here, that words capitalization in forums is intended as shouting and the meaning of it is embraced world wide. Please don't shout, I've got head ache today :p

You are now, as you have been banned from the board for being a jerk.

MarcoP said:
I would also add, not trying to back moderating here, that words capitalization in forums is intended as shouting and the meaning of it is embraced world wide. Please don't shout, I've got head ache today :p

Not embraced by all.
I think I'm done answering basic questions to new members who haven't been here for a while. True, I didn't answer his question but if he had to ask about how much acid to use who knows how bad he would screw up the rest.

I guess he figures he is entitled to charge his rate to buy from the public but a refiner isn't entitled to charge him. The refiner did 3 melts a week for this guy, had to deal with what I am pretty sure is a wonderful personality, and had to pay on the spot for the metal. All for 2%. That's without all of the profit the refiner makes from the 0.4% melt loss!

I don't see many refiners paying better than that for lots of 30 gross ounces incoming. Even if the guy thinks he is a big player!
4metals said:
I think I'm done answering basic questions to new members who haven't been here for a while. True, I didn't answer his question but if he had to ask about how much acid to use who knows how bad he would screw up the rest.

It does get discouraging! I have a motto that i go by when i'm confronted with stupidity.
Don't let the actions of others dictate the type of person you are.
Sometimes i forget that because even though you can't fix stupid, you can sure slap the **** out of it. :mrgreen:
Palladium said:
4metals said:
I think I'm done answering basic questions to new members who haven't been here for a while. True, I didn't answer his question but if he had to ask about how much acid to use who knows how bad he would screw up the rest.

It does get discouraging! I have a motto that i go by when i'm confronted with stupidity.
Don't let the actions of others dictate the type of person you are.
Sometimes i forget that because even though you can't fix stupid, you can sure slap the **** out of it. :mrgreen:

Another keyboard headed for the scrap pile, I just spit my drink all over the place, :lol:
It's a southern thing. 8)
I always try to be a gentleman to people and be respectful even when they refuse to be. If you find fault with something i say then we can agree to disagree as long as we do it as gentlemen. The moment you fail to respect me or get all ghetto on me is the moment the rules no longer apply. Two things happen when you slap a man. Either he is going to get some understanding real quick! or he's going to fight. Either which way win, lose, or draw your going to find some respect. To may people want to want to shoot or stab you now a days. I'm kind of old school in the fact we can roll around in the dirt and work it out and later on have a beer or go fishing. You want to be a man, be a man!
The real shame of it is that this could have been a thread that members could have gotten a lot out of. If this guy spoke honestly about his charges and approached this with an open mind he could see where he sits in terms of profitability.

I would have told him what he needs equipment wise and the cost, environmental compliance wise and the cost, and more importantly he would have known what to expect from his own melt losses and realized how karat really runs.

Truth be told, his refiners not getting rich off of him and he can't afford to put out more than 20K without getting money from his refiner. But he's not a small gold buyer, he said so!

And I'm a troll, good to know that.
The sad part is that you're the type of person who not only helps people on this forum but in real life. If you're like me you spend hours on the phone sometimes during the day. I have clients and even people i meet on youtube or through a contact that will call me up and chat my ear off. Most times i don't mind because i like to talk and meet new people anyway. I dispense information freely in hopes that #1 it may bring me future profit in the form of some payoff or #2 that even if i don't profit from it then i have help educate a person and my time was not wasted, but well spent. I get satisfaction from both! You can't help them all brother. I don't know about the rest of these folks, but you'll get nothing but admiration and respect from this old boy!

Hence :arrow: Don't let the actions of other dictate the person you are.
I have never been at the top of refining, and surely not on a large scale. I am just a hobbyist that just enjoys the overall experiences of it. I had started out reading the thread thinking this would have been a nice thread with some very interesting insight into how people operate at that scale in the gold business. I saw it as a chance to learn some of the inside dealings of the overall scheme. What I can never seem to grasp is why people think everyone owes them something. My Grandmother used tell us as kids "You can catch more flies with honey than you can vinegar". A little humility never hurt much either. I was shocked when it all seemed to fly apart so quick. Especially after the reply from 4metals, I got comfortable for some serious reading, and 'BOOM", I had to go back and read it again to see if I had missed something. There are people I can seem to learn from very easily, others I have to put more effort into understanding what they are trying to teach me, and a few that I just do not have the education to understand, yet. Palladium, 4metals, butcher and a few others just say things in a way I understand, at least in a way that makes sense to me. If I can understand it, ............. let's just say it don't get much easier to understand. Don't let one bad apple spoil it for those who are new and really are trying to learn. There is still a lot of knowledge I need to gain from the forum, and those who have "been there, done that".
Got to watch out for them trolls ! :twisted:

Besides, who am i to argue with Einstein?

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein
Well DANG. Here I thought I was one of the biggest refiners here. Been here for several years and have over 1 ounce troy all ready to be melted and poured into my mold. Boy, you guys really know how to deflate someone balloon.

Truth be told, I wouldn't be where I am today without you guys. You're the greatest. THANKS!
Woah that thread was priceless- especially read all at once from start to finish.

Way to hand someone their own butt guys.

Nice work. 8) 8)
Wow...if he was such a huge gold buyer sending that much gold, he should have invested in a xrf, a small furnace, melted his gold down into a homogenous bar and xrayed it and shipped it off..if his refinery results are way off then he would know... that's what I do. its always spot on now...
Palladium said:
Got to watch out for them trolls ! :twisted:

Besides, who am i to argue with Einstein?

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein
I believe it was he who also said something along the lines of "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former."

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