How to get banned from the forum

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Like the AP system to get the foils off clean product....but for cpus and pins not the best way to go......every time you hand your gold you lose some. washing it over and over....what a bacth....!!!! Yes I'll get pure gold at the end......If any is left LOL

AR.......nuke it all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feed back

gold1961 said:
AR.......nuke it all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feed back

Smart people don't "nuke it all". That creates more problems than many can answer.

Smart people eliminate base metals before dissolving values, with rare exceptions. Even then, you should take advantage of the base metals in question by permitting them to precipitate the values until the solution is barren, at which time you decant the solution and start over. That way you can eliminate the bulk of the base metals instead of trying to keep them in solution, which tends to yield very dirty gold.

Harold_V said:
gold1961 said:
AR.......nuke it all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feed back

Smart people don't "nuke it all". That creates more problems than many can answer.

Smart people use the AR system step by step and get the gold they are looking for.........

Smart Ass's comment the way you do :idea: .........

gold1961 said:
Harold_V said:
gold1961 said:
AR.......nuke it all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feed back

Smart people don't "nuke it all". That creates more problems than many can answer.

Smart people use the AR system step by step and get the gold they are looking for.........

Smart Ass's comment the way you do :idea: .........


I'm going to give you the opportunity to make an apology for your smart remarks, at which time I will delete this and the previous post.

If you do not make an apology, publicly, the same way you've run your stupid mouth, I will request you be banned from the forum. We have a strict policy of no smart mouthed individuals running rough shod over anyone here, especially administration and moderators. My other policy is they go, or I do.

Understand this, and get it straight. I do not suffer fools gladly.

Are you for real?......You started this smart mouth remark thing first” Let's see! “You’ve run your stupid mouth ” You just said that right……Who’s calling name’s now..!!

I see I just ran across the forums bully right….Why don’t you follow your our policy’s and not call people names….grown up you act like a little kid….Play right or I’ll take my ball home….LOL Life to short lighten up……and by the way didn’t they find the uni bomber in Washington State.

gold1961 said:
Are you for real?......You started this smart mouth remark thing first” Let's see! “You’ve run your stupid mouth ” You just said that right……Who’s calling name’s now..!!

I see I just ran across the forums bully right….Why don’t you follow your our policy’s and not call people names….grown up you act like a little kid….Play right or I’ll take my ball home….LOL Life to short lighten up……and by the way didn’t they find the uni bomber in Washington State.


Oh, yeah! I'm quite real. If you can't understand the need for peace and harmony in this forum, where there are some excellent people sharing knowledge that is generally not available to the lay person, you are not welcome here.

Your defiance sets a bad example for others. Such performance is not acceptable on this forum---and is generally resolved by banishment. Considering you replied with additional rudeness and refused to come to terms with our rules and regulations, I am formally requesting you be banned.

Harold you sure do have an attitude lately.
Being a moderator should involve helping people on their way for knowledge, not telling them they are stupid if they are going to disagree with you.
Also being a moderator should include not filling the forum with useless crap that people have to read through to see if it actually has information on gold refining.
How does this help us refine Gold?.....Looks like this guy is not well liked here !

OMG said:
Harold you sure do have an attitude lately.
Being a moderator should involve helping people on their way for knowledge, not telling them they are stupid if they are going to disagree with you.
Also being a moderator should include not filling the forum with useless crap that people have to read through to see if it actually has information on gold refining.

That's why he titled it "how to get banned", not how to refine gold and get banned.

If he has an attitude it's because he's sick of know-it-alls copping an attitude over an innocuous remark.
OMG said:
Harold you sure do have an attitude lately.
And you seem to want to encourage me in doing so. This isn't your brightest moment, and I suggest you give careful thought before you start this ball rolling.

Being a moderator should involve helping people on their way for knowledge, not telling them they are stupid if they are going to disagree with you.
He was not called stupid, not for disagreeing with me, nor for any other reason. I told him that he opened his stupid mouth, which was the truth. Had he addressed me with manners, and not used profanity, none of this would have happened. He apparently found it fitting to call me a smart ass----which told me that the only language he understands is strong, direct talk. Had he taken note that language like that is not used on this board, and had replied politely, I would have enjoyed an exchange of sorts. I have no intentions of tolerating attitudes the likes of his (or yours, so choose your words wisely).

Take note that this person asked for comments on a procedure and was provided response that was detailed enough for him to understand the message I tried to convey. The response was delivered politely, and without profanity. He was not provoked into a nasty response. It should have served to put him on notice that his method was not in his best interest, nor that of anyone that has a desire to learn to refine properly, assuming their objective is pure gold. If an individual has no concern for quality and is seeking to extract gold without taking any extra precautions, then perhaps he had a valid suggestion. Considering the pitfalls, I don't think so, but I'll be charitable and suggest he did have.

Also being a moderator should include not filling the forum with useless crap that people have to read through to see if it actually has information on gold refining.
May I suggest you begin reading threads by checking the header, and to get a better attitude? I posted the exact purpose of the new thread, all of which were files taken from another thread, which served no purpose aside from some moron trying to show the world how tough he was.

I don't take kindly to readers second guessing my position as a moderator. I also don't like your attitude, and do not intend to tolerate you, or it. If you feel you can do a better job of moderating, please submit your name to Noxx, our leader, and suggest to him that you feel you can serve in a better capacity than I can. What I don't need is to spend my time daily on a forum where people with an attitude want to abuse those that try to help them, with no promise of gain of any kind in my future.

You might also take note of how and why this person was banned from the forum. Those of us that spend our time here try to make it productive. People that find fault with anything and everything that is provided to them free of charge serve no useful purpose---and upset the flow of the forum, so it's best that they keep a low profile. Otherwise, they become my target, and will be subject to being eliminated from the privilege of reading this forum. Those of us that moderate have no intentions of letting the monkeys run the zoo, spoiling the hard work that Noxx and we moderators have invested in the successful operation of this forum. Take note that you have been granted a privilege to read here, it is not a right.

I invite you to read the latest post in the READ forum. It consists of rules of the board. Trust me that they will be enforced vigorously if they are violated.

Also, take note of my comment in the thread you find so offensive.

I do not suffer fools gladly.

Now get on with gold refining and drop this subject.

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