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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2008
hi all,

I'm in Australia, and have bought some HYDROCHLORIC ACID.

I'm trying to figure out what percentage the acid is. The label states 300g/l HYDROCHLORIC ACID.

The MSDS is here : http://www.diggersaust.com.au/files/hydrochloric_acid.pdf

Also is states: NEVER mix sodium hypochlorite with hydrochloric acid.

I know this is what we do here with the HCL-CL process to disolve gold.

Anyone know that the percentage of hydrochloric acid is? Any safety info about the warning above?


Section 3 of your MSDS states 30%.

Does anyone read these things? :wink: Sorry, no offence intended, I couldn't resist.

Best guess the warning is for the release of chlorine gas and more corrosive.
It's all cool,

Just wanted to know others opinions.

I read the MSDS where it said 30%, but didn't know if it was 30% of acid (at some percentage)+ 70% water. This would result in a very dilute liquid. 300 grams HCL per liter equals 30%. But they were using weight and volume for the calculation on the label.

just wanted to make sure


Your hydrochloric acid is within proper ratios. The stuff I buy is 31.45% and yours is 30%, the little extra may not make a big difference. Using warm HCl will speed up reactions too.

The mix of HCl and Sodium Hypochlorite produces a very nasty chlorine gas release!!! When you are ready to disolve your gold, put your gold into a small container of HCl, and very slowly and in small increments you can add some Sodium Hypochlorite. Wear breathing protection and eye protection while wearing glove rated for chemical use.

If you dont want to be safe, then you dont want the gold that bad.
It is most likely 30%, by weight. According to an internet source, the actual specific gravity of 30% (by weight) HCl is 1.145. Therefore, a liter weighs 1,145 gms. In one liter of 30%, by weight, HCl, the water content is 1145 X .70 = 801.5 grams or, 80.15%, by volume, since a ml of water weighs approx. 1 gram. So, 30% HCl, by weight, is the same as 19.85% HCl, by volume.
Is there a difference between technical grade and cheap muriatic from Lowes?

I bought some technical grade HCL, but it says its the same ~30%
Is there a difference between technical grade and cheap muriatic from Lowes?
Only in strength and purity. In most cases, they are interchangeable.

My Hydrochloric acid reads 37% 12M. Is 12 molar HCl safe to use in our processes or will I need to dilute my HCl?
Use as is, if the process calls for concentrated HCl or muriatic.
Depends on how dilute you wanted it. The term, "dilute hydrochloric", could mean anything less than "concentrated". The amount of dilution required should be spelled out in the particular process. If it isn't, ask.

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