hydroflouric acid and silica

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only 0.02% NaCN in cyanide solution? I read for bottle roll cyanide soultion testing to get the 0.5% concentrate NaCN solution, 300mL water is added to 16g of NaCN. How much cyanide is needed to process a ton of grind gold ore? Is you are saying the 0.02% cyanide is the maximum then it seems very economical to use cyanide leaching to process gold ore.

A very small amount of cyanide in solution (low percentage) is recommended, to avoid dissolving copper. A ton of gold ore can be processed with a pound of cyanide (or even an ounce), for the only loss, assuming there are no cyanicides, is what is consumed dissolving silver and gold, at least in theory.

Everything depends on the nature of the material----which must not be a sulfide. If the tailings you speak of are 40 years old, they may well be oxidized, but I am not knowledgably in such things. It might be in your best interest to have the material analyzed so you have a perfect understanding of its nature.

Remember, the material must not have the ability to change the pH of your cyanide solution. If it reaches a pH of 9.5, you border on liberating hydrocyanic acid, deadly fumes. It is desirable to keep the pH above 11.

I guess the best soultion to use the tailing pile that contains 63% Sio2 would be to produce Soda-lime glass. I still believe there must be some gold and silver in it. plus it's a big quantity (5million tons) then even at 0.5ppm Au and 10ppm Ag would make this a prophry type. Since it's already crushed and fined and extracted.
thanks harold for your answer and explanation about the collector--you used as a colector silver chloride +copper from your waste (stock pot) --it was in your particular context and not a usual procedure -

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