hydrogen peroxide replacment

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Mar 15, 2012
hi to all
is there any replacement to hydrogen peroxide because in my country is very expencive?
and another question can i dilute hydrogen peroxide 6% cream ? and if i can then what is the rate?
Can you obtain copper II chloride or dilute sulfuric acid in your country?

0,1 l of 3% H2O2 - about 3 euro here but that is all you need to make few buckets of AP.
That cant be more expensive even in your country. You need only small amount to get reaction started, it can be rejuvenated with fish tank bubbler.
I have spent buckets and buckets of AP and I used about 2-3 bottles of H2O2 say 0,2-0,3l of it over last 3 years.
lazersteve said:
Can you obtain copper II chloride or dilute sulfuric acid in your country?

yes, i can dilute sulfuric acid .
copper II chloride ithink so to.
patnor1011 said:
0,1 l of 3% H2O2 - about 3 euro here but that is all you need to make few buckets of AP.
That cant be more expensive even in your country. You need only small amount to get reaction started, it can be rejuvenated with fish tank bubbler.
I have spent buckets and buckets of AP and I used about 2-3 bottles of H2O2 say 0,2-0,3l of it over last 3 years.
in my country it come in creamy solution now 6% or 9% 20vol 60ml bottle and i dont know how to dilute it.
For some things I have been trying sodium per carbonate powder (found in some Oxi-cleaner type products) to generate hydrogen peroxide, with a byproduct of sodium carbonate (soda ash) (washing soda) (which can be used as flux additive).

The sodium per carbonate, seems to be a strong dry source of Hydrogen peroxide, although the water soluble soda ash formed, is somewhat caustic, and would only leave soda ash to any powders if I did not get it all washed out, I have been starting some tests using this to help dissolve metals, but do not have enough information yet to determine if I will have any problems, although I do not foresee any.

Note this does seem to be a concentrated source of hydrogen peroxide (like using 27% H2O2).

Maybe one of our other members can give us some details on how well sodium per carbonate and HCl would dissolve gold or PGM's and if there are any problems with using it.




butcher said:
For some things I have been trying sodium per carbonate powder (found in some Oxi-cleaner type products) to generate hydrogen peroxide, with a byproduct of sodium carbonate (soda ash) (washing soda) (which can be used as flux additive).

The sodium per carbonate, seems to be a strong dry source of Hydrogen peroxide, although the water soluble soda ash formed, is somewhat caustic, and would only leave soda ash to any powders if I did not get it all washed out, I have been starting some tests using this to help dissolve metals, but do not have enough information yet to determine if I will have any problems, although I do not foresee any.

Note this does seem to be a concentrated source of hydrogen peroxide (like using 27% H2O2).

Maybe one of our other members can give us some details on how well sodium per carbonate and HCl would dissolve gold or PGM's and if there are any problems with using it.





thanks butcher now its a lot easier and cheeper :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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