Hydrogen peroxide to AR, what will happen?

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2009
Will I fasten the reaction between AR and metals in solution if I add hydrogen peroxide to this solution?
Palladium said:

Thank you! This is quite good property of hydrogen peroxide, to stop NOx. But hydrogen peroxide precipitates gold from AR solutions, what is not necessary at this phase ...
I've used peroxide on a couple of AR batches & haven't expirienced the gold droping, only NOx reduced. I used 3% peroxide; I don't know if a higher concentrated peroxide would drop gold, though. :roll:

Renaldas said:
Will I fasten the reaction between AR and metals in solution if I add hydrogen peroxide to this solution?

H202 should speed up the process.

Renaldas said:
Thank you! This is quite good property of hydrogen peroxide, to stop NOx. But hydrogen peroxide precipitates gold from AR solutions, what is not necessary at this phase ...

The only difference between H20 and H202 is as you can see the extra oxygen atom. So I dont believe H202 can precipitate gold out of solution. If I'm wrong someone please correct me on this. As far as the suppression of the NOx fumes goes... here is an interesting video :lol:

Hi goldenchild!

I have a question, I picked up some 40% peroxide from a beauty supply store that my daughter worked @, but didn't realized that it also contains some phosphoric acid. I used a bit on a batch with no evident problems. Is it OK to use?

My experience with adding 27% H2O2 to poor mans' AR is that it tends to be quite violent. If you only add a few drops at a time, It's not too bad, but even a cc or so can cause a rapid overpressure situation along with a cloud of Cl2 gas. It's a very exothermic reaction.

I only use it when the acid is almost spent to raise the Oxidation Potential, thus increasing the reaction rate. It's cheaper than adding more nitric and makes it easier to denox when done.
philddreamer said:
Hi goldenchild!

I have a question, I picked up some 40% peroxide from a beauty supply store that my daughter worked @, but didn't realized that it also contains some phosphoric acid. I used a bit on a batch with no evident problems. Is it OK to use?



The H2O2 and phosphoric acid combo I am not familiar with. Was it used for nail polish removal or something along those lines? My first thought is that the added phosphoric acid would'nt make much of a difference and may even help in the breakdown of the metals. But again I have never tried this combination. I'm sure Lou or GSP could chime in on this one.

It worked on the one batch but I would hold off for confirmation that this is safe to do. It may have been one of those instances where you just got "lucky".

As Irons said and as seen on the video, the reaction is quite violent. I was using 35% in the vid so you can imagine 40% would be even more reactive. And oh boy did the vessel get hot and in a hurry. Please be safe and wait for some more definative advice 8)
I think Lou has said the phosphoric acid is a stabilizer for the H2o2 and won't affect it.
Very good quoting of me Palladium.

Also, what you have is likely not 40% by weight, but rather 40 volume. There is quite the difference. It is uncommon to find anything above 30% available to the public--with every 10% increase in concentration, it increases in danger. Highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide is liable to decompose all on its own! It is a thick, evil syrup!
Thank you gentlemen!

The product is for bleaching hair, 40 volume, stabilized formula. That explains the phosphoric. I used it again yesterday, about a teaspoonful in 100ml of distilled water. After a couple of minutes I added 25ml of 70% nitric; heated the solution. I experienced a low to mid reaction. 3 hrs. later, another 25ml on nitric, w/same results. In the morning another 25ml of nitric & now base metals are all digested. I was cautious; no negative results. Fumes were @ a minimum. So my ratio was safe & efficent. I'm happy with the results. Please advise if I need to do something different. :lol:

Again, thank you all!!!


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