i am interess to do gold

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New member
Apr 9, 2010
hello i am spanish sorry for my english , i hve see a lot of videos for making gold with computer but i don t know if there is some danger with component inside the computer , and knowing how many computer(ships and micro process) i need to make 30 or 40 grames gold ? thank to help me

i don t know if open a center of recicling but a little center i am not bill gates :)

and an other cuestion is there gold inside phone cell????
Spend a little time doing some searching on the forum for words like:


You will find lots of "threads" about these topics that you can read
and learn about getting gold bearing objects out of the computers
and cell phones. The first thing you can do is go to lazersteve's
website and look at some of his videos about the processing
and refining of gold fingers, using acid peroxide (AP), etc.
Buy some of his DVD's - they're great!

There is lots of information here. If you are willing to work at it,
you can learn a lot. Hear me - it is not easy but if you will be
diligent and you can follow instruction, then you can do it.

To get my first 32 gram gold button, I spent hours and hours collecting
gold fingers by removing them from PC cards, studying about
how to dissolve the copper under the gold foils to release the
gold so it fould be filtered, washed, dissolved in HCL / clorox,
precipitated with SMB. decanted, washed, dried and then
melted. That is the 5 mile overview with lots of details left out.

I hope that helps you a little.

Dios te bendiga!
loicorico, i shall advise you to grab some scrap jewelery and refine it to get your 30-40 grams faster. you seem to be quite in a hurry to me.

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