I am irked on the price of HCl

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
NE wisconsin
Holy cow, I am used to buying my HCl for about $3 a gallon... maybe a little less. Went to buy some today and its now $5 for the exact same gallon. Is there a new law or some sort of strike to drive it up 2 dollars a gallon?

In a time where everything is hitting rock bottom for prices, why is it the stuff I want always going up?
Hi never-evil,
I think prices here in the NE are higher and probly have been!
20 years ago when i was a mason tender muriatic was $3.50 a gal.
Not to bad now it is $6.50 a gal. Battery acid 5 gallons was $10.50 jobber.
Rooto sulphuric acid is $21.99 here for the gal. The heating oil in our 275 gallon tank near full from last spring $4.02 a gal ! Over $1,000.00 If we have to fill it again this winter it will be too bad for us! Gas just started to
go down from $4.40 a gallon!! Bacon $4.00lb,milk$5.00gal meat from
$3-00---$11.00 a lb.........my rent costs 1/2 of my ss check each month!
Taxes are out of site $3,000.00 for a 24x38' 1 1/2 story cape on 5 acrea.
So far now gold and rhodium and junk prices have fallen..copper #1 is now $.60 it was $2.65-2.89 just 3 weeks ago iron/steel#1 $.001 lb.
Hope it's better out your way!
Hi Seamus and friends,
It's probly the cost of diesel fuel finally hitting and dealers are looking at not having money enough to buy the next stock. Alot of panic in the market is no help. I just hope we all can make it threw! Oh by the way
Rudolph's diesel burned coal dust not oil!! It had ascraper on the top of the piston to keep flyash off the rings...
I just cast a small bar of silver dore~ a very small one.
Good luck and have a great day!.........Bernie

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