first let me say thanks for all the great info. I have been reading on this site for a few days now and found out I know nothing. I am begaining to understand some off the prosses. I have about 10lb. of gold plated pins.I also have about 2,000lb of cb. These came from missile comand controll unites, army telacomuncition, robotics,and nasa space program. I have about 500 boards that are sealed in a styrofoam coat. These came in with some missile heads that had boards the same way. Those boards had rhodium on them. I sold those to a refinery.
I would like to find someone who can find out what they have and maybe prosses it for a percentage. I would send them a few and see what happens from there. I get a lot of this type of stuff. I know some of it is no good. but some looks great. yall let me know! ss about the spelling
e-me [email protected]
I would like to find someone who can find out what they have and maybe prosses it for a percentage. I would send them a few and see what happens from there. I get a lot of this type of stuff. I know some of it is no good. but some looks great. yall let me know! ss about the spelling
e-me [email protected]