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I got screwed by 2 different refineries

Gold Refining Forum

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You can find more details 4 posts above my previous one.
Do you want me post all TXT messages too?
Also I can change word "thief" to another, but which one you prefer?
"Scam artist" will be enough "neutral" ?
Actually it is in the section "Dealing with an outside refiner" It is not referenced as "I got screwed by 2 different refineries"

The reason I set up the index the way I did was to give a brief description of the content of the thread in the index rather than the name of the thread. The idea was to make less confusion as the individual thread title often is not really indicative of where the thread goes and what is discussed.

I hope this approach didn't make things more confusing.
holy moly so sick of reading posts from 2008. way to resurect them. Thank you for the board but please add a wya to sort post by start date. as most of the posts are from ten years ago
TheDragonWins said:
holy moly so sick of reading posts from 2008. way to resurect them. Thank you for the board but please add a wya to sort post by start date. as most of the posts are from ten years ago
Oldest are and more interesting could be. I don't understand your rant, most old posts even if old are relevant even today. In the oldest posts you find the original treads and discussions when processes were disclosed or discovered. When I search I sort by old first to avoid all duplicates and repeated newbie questions to go straight and the original posts, then I'll read the new ones for further details.

By the way, there is already a way to sort by date and it's there when you search. Just select the option.

TheDragonWins said:
holy moly so sick of reading posts from 2008. way to resurect them. Thank you for the board but please add a wya to sort post by start date. as most of the posts are from ten years ago

To answer the above "underlined" question ----------

Because they have information that is still relevant today --- good information is good information whether posted in 2008 or today --- in fact there is a LOT of VERY good info that was posted back then that is not talked about now - you can learn a LOT from the old postings

But if you want to be stuck on &/or limited to only what is talked about today then STOP clicking on the old post & reading them - just look under the thread title & you will see who posted it & when it was originally posted - if the original post date is older then yesterday or today - DON'T click on it & read it :!:

Now that wasn't a hard problem to solve - was it :roll: :roll: :roll:

Holy precipitation Batman! It seems like someone hasn't read the rules of the forum.

To not have to rehash old questions people are encouraged to do a thoroughly search and if there are still questions to post in a relevant thread. In that way old relevant threads are brought up again.

In the subsilver2 theme at least it's impossible to see if a thread is old or new when someone have posted on it recently, but as the information we are discussing often has been known for a century, most of the time it doesn't matter if a thread is a week old or ten years.
I agree, some information is best fresh, as discussing movements of the gold price or legalities. But what to do when you have problem with dropping the gold or eliminating contamination of your pure gold then an old thread is as fresh as a new one.

Looking at the dates of posts in this thread you can see that it's been popping up once a year or two, that is how it should be because this is one of the good threads.

Anyhow, I recommend you use the
icon to take you to the first unread post in a thread. It will be the first one if it's an old thread you haven't read yet, but after that it will be any new posts made.

In most other forums it is frowned upon posting in old threads (it's called necroposting), but this forum isn't like other ones so we make up our own rules.

I hope you see the wisdom in our ways, and if not, no one is forcing you to read old threads, just back off and do something else.

Göran (who has read every post on this forum and forgotten most of them :p )
g_axelsson said:
It's impossible to see if a thread is old or new when someone have posted on it recently, but as the information we are discussing often has been known for a century, most of the time it doesn't matter if a thread is a week old or ten years.
I agree, some information is best fresh, as discussing movements of the gold price or legalities.

I might be misunderstanding you Goran but I have no problem checking how old a thread is, when someone posts a new comment?
spaceships said:
g_axelsson said:
It's impossible to see if a thread is old or new when someone have posted on it recently, ...
I might be misunderstanding you Goran but I have no problem checking how old a thread is, when someone posts a new comment?
This is one of those differences depending on the Board Style you use. With the CA Gen2 and subsilver styles, you can see the date a thread was started in the list of threads. Under the prosilver2 style, this date is not shown.

Maybe it's the subsilver2 settings, but I only see the date of the last post.
Of course I can see the date of every single post but not before I have clicked on the thread.

That's what I get for being a besserwisser! :lol:

So the advice is then, as some people don't see the start date of a thread, it's unavoidable to click on old threads when people post in them. Switching theme have pro's and con's so we all have to realize that not all sees the same layout as we do when we give advice.

TheDragonWins, if avoiding old threads is important to you I suggest switching to another board style in your board preferences or just live with the fact that you are going to click on old threads sometimes.

... eating my humble pie... again!

holy moly so sick of reading posts from 2008. way to resurrect them. Thank you for the board but please add a way to sort post by start date. as most of the posts are from ten years ago

And what makes you think older threads can't contain valuable information? If you think that, don't bother reading Hoke, that's 75 years old!
Listen, I have been in this business for almost 38 years and didn't get here by screwing people. I hate to see you getting less than you should.. What is the type of material and how much volume do you generate and how often

Based on that I can advise you. My background is environmental law and I am a panel member of the Federal EPA Task Force on Recycling for Region 5. I am willing to help you. Please reply.

Sheldon Goldner
Precious Metal Refining Services, Inc.
I haven't got directly ripped of by a refiner, I think!
But it dose tick me off a bit that there is a set price for gold a pm. If you sell it to them you get less but if you buy it you pay more! WHAT? Then pay shipping cost! That to me is a in your face rip off. I understand everyone wants to make little coin,
myfalconry76 said:
I haven't got directly ripped of by a refiner, I think!
But it dose tick me off a bit that there is a set price for gold a pm. If you sell it to them you get less but if you buy it you pay more! WHAT? Then pay shipping cost! That to me is a in your face rip off. I understand everyone wants to make little coin,
If a refiner pays the same amount they sell for, how are they supposed to cover their costs of operation? I don't know of any business that can exist by buying anything at the same price they sell it for.

FrugalRefiner said:
myfalconry76 said:
I haven't got directly ripped of by a refiner, I think!
But it dose tick me off a bit that there is a set price for gold a pm. If you sell it to them you get less but if you buy it you pay more! WHAT? Then pay shipping cost! That to me is a in your face rip off. I understand everyone wants to make little coin,
If a refiner pays the same amount they sell for, how are they supposed to cover their costs of operation? I don't know of any business that can exist by buying anything at the same price they sell it for.

Your absolutely right, I understand that very much! I buy from places like jmbullion silvertowne and others they charge spot price for bullion then a surcharge then shipping and shipping is usually a couple dollars over what it actually is. I bought a 100oz of silver earlier this year at 16.85 a oz plus shipping brought it up to about 17.50 a oz if I wanted to sell now I would be hard pressed to get 19.00 a oz same with whAt gold I bought! What do the have I don't got. I want to make money on it to. But in order to do that I have to sit on it and wait for it to go up. With recovered gold and the time and work that gose into recovery I'm making a bit of profit but still can't get over 92-94% spot. Then on top of that you got buyers that test it by means of acid. That are crooked that mix test solutions to form dilute AR and say well its only 18-22kt. Its hard to make a honest buck these days.
Might as well sell the house move to Oregon or Colorado and gro marijuana hell, it's almost worth its weight in gold!

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