I miss the days of Harold

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
When a rude or belligerent forum member would not be tolerated.

I don't like people who strike out and resort to insults and name calling when a discussion. It's childish and non-productive. I got my butt in a sling with Harold on a few post and I now know how to act and treat other members.

Harold, where are you?
SS, me too. But more for his straight down the line personality than his hammer.
I hope Harold is doing well and now happily sculpting timber furniture or something similar in his retirement. if anyone is in personal contact, please pass on my regards.
I think that most of the older users miss Harold very much. Regardless of his modding work, the atmosphere alone that he provided... I mean you can really feel it when reading older posts in forum, dude was RESPECTED!

I do agree, that for new users to come in and hang around, there must be encouraging environment, and toxic attitude towards newbies can kill community very fast, so probably tone shift was needed, but still, from perspective of regular, senior users those new upstart a-holes must be very annoying to deal with. That was probably Harold`s greatest quality - he never shied away from a fight, he was relentless, principal, pragmatic, full of energy to take anyone on and make them heel, armed with irrefutable logic, impressive vocabulary, sense of righteousness and will to mercilessly use it all when push came to shove...well come to think of it - it does sound like an a-hole a bit...But if it is used in the line of duty, one can only respect that and you sometimes need to fight evil with evil... It is truly my belief that most of the large scale grief in the world is not because of the religion, nationality, politics, jews, muslims, liberals or whatever (I can feel the ban hammer rising :)) but just people in general being a-holes, plain and simple - selfish, unrepentant, disrespectful, egoistical, narcistic, unapologetic, arrogant, ignorant a-holes... But GRF is not our complicated world, this is fairly straightforward community with clear purpose, with little room for interpretation what should or should not be allowed here...so if someone would want to weed out said a-holes from his domain? If you have an authoritarian regime, the best way is just to confront them... well Harold did it beautifully... He embodied the rules and the respect for the board in such an impressive way that I have not seen on any other board I have been part of...

Then, on the other hand, he would have probably already banned me a few times... So maybe reverence for the memory of Harold is better than the real thing :)

I am sorry, though, for using shortened term "a-holes", both here and in the other thread, I am not being disrespectful or trying to break forum rules, It is just that with English not being my first language I can`t think of a better term to express what I mean, too many movies I guess....
If you don't like someone's post, click on the exclamation point in the upper right corner of the post that offends you. Then, give an explanation why this post upsets you. Doing this, instead of firing back at the person, will help keep you out of trouble. If nothing is done about this complaint, it is because none of the mods think it warrants any further action.

Except for spam, I am very much against zero-tolerance or chicken s*** rules. Every offense is unique and deserves a hearing. In the past, some very knowledgeable people were banned for trite reasons and some of these who were disliked by a mod were goaded into making comments that eventually got them banned. I think that is a thing of the past.
This place hasn't been the same since "Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:54 am"

This is my last post here, enjoy your safe space. Just realize that many good people are disgusted and driven away by safe spaces as for your reasons for them.

Jim I want you to know that I think it is a real pity that you’d up and leave after over ten years of service and membership.
Lou said:
Jim I want you to know that I think it is a real pity that you’d up and leave after over ten years of service and membership.

I'll second that. This big old house will get awfully drafty with you here Jim. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I dig your style, Jimdoc! I do hope you will reconsider.
An egress will not change it, but yet make it worse.

I will second the seconded motion and say, please do not leave us Jim. You will be greatly missed.

I do hope that you see these replies
I third that, Jim. You're a mainstay here and your posts are always meaningful and full of wisdom. If you leave, the forum will suffer great loss.
Lou said:
If he read half the library he sold me, the man knows some stuff!! Big time!

You issue library cards?

I don't care to see anyone leave. This is an awesome place to hang out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't post much anymore, just read and follow most of the time. I am not a long timer but have been around long enough to know and experience the realm of Harold. I had a brush with his firm but fair outlook and he reminds me of my best friends father who I worked for on several contract jobs. Earl (like Harold) called a spade a spade, had little tolerance for BS, worked harder than any man I've ever known, knew what he was talking about / doing and appreciated people who fell in line with his ethics. Once you understood Earl you were good with him, same as Harold, old school guys that are going extinct and will be missed for what they are / were. I can only hope that I have instilled some of these qualities in my daughter which I think I have.

There seems to be some commonality between this thread and another one that turned a bit nasty. All I would like to say is that the Mods have a tough (with no compensation that I am aware of) job and in my experience, with a slight exception, are very fair, level headed, helpful and decent people that have obviously been selected for this role based on that. If the new model is to exhibit some tolerance of flared tempers then so be it. I must say that I don't agree with a "Care Bear" mentality in dealing with people that clearly can't control their emotions and / or words when called out but it is 2018 and it is the way the world has been heading. Although I respected Harold (and still do) I thought Thor's Hammer came down pretty quickly. It was his way or the highway based on forum rules and so be that, if you didn't get the picture, you didn't have the chance to have a fit. He has guts, wisdom and high intelligence as has been mentioned.

I really hope that long standing members don't start bailing out of here like fleas off a dead rabbit as appears that JimDoc has done. Hopefully he cools off and / or a Mod talks to him about his decision. The GRF is one of a kind with the best people in the game associated. Let us all think about that and be thankful that we have this place (thanks to Noxx, my Valleyfield neighbor) to share our world whether we agree or disagree. Sometimes it is better to just log off and chill.
jimdoc said:
This place hasn't been the same since "Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:54 am"

This is my last post here, enjoy your safe space. Just realize that many good people are disgusted and driven away by safe spaces as for your reasons for them.


Dude, don`t do that, you have made almost 4.5k posts, don`t throw it away for someone like scrapparts or me (I kind of didn`t understand what exactly are you mad about ;)), regardless you must have contributed to this place as most as the best of them and you seem to be universally recognized as one of the elite guys...

Long Shot said:
All I would like to say is that the Mods have a tough (with no compensation that I am aware of) job and in my experience, with a slight exception, are very fair, level headed, helpful and decent people that have obviously been selected for this role based on that

Dammnit, it just hit me - that all this remeniscing about Harold - it must feel like a slap in the face of the current moderators, that are doing hard, thankless job, and, I am not afraid to say it, in my opinion they are doing a wonderful job at that.

Thank you guys, all of you, be it carrot, stick, banning or safe spaceing, I know it, and all of the other members know it, we are in your debt for the contribution you make, daily...

And, jimdoc, on the off-chance that it is some confrontation you crave:
Don`t you dare make these good people (moderators) feel guilty for your choice to leave the forum, they are doing the best they can, they have to answer to their boss, adhere to the forum policy set before them, AND they try to make best decisions possible in their position, you think it is easy?

If confrontation wasn`t the thing you were fishing for, disregard my last paragraph :)

niks neims said:
.. a slap in the face of the current moderators, that are doing hard, thankless job, and, I am not afraid to say it, in my opinion they are doing a wonderful job at that.

Yeah, it seems to me, being a moderator is akin to being a parent.
You have to put up with fits, new "friends" who are fools, wipe butts, clean up vomit. ground your children for misbehavior, ..and all for what? ..Having your kids tell you "I want a new mommy and daddy" or, "I wish little Johnny Jerkwad's daddy was my daddy, he doesn't get time outs, AND gets to eat cake for breakfast"

I understand Jim's side though, and I understand the Mods.
If only there could be a happy medium.
jimdoc said:
This place hasn't been the same since "Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:54 am"
You are right, it hasn't. (Of course it was actually 3:54pm in the real world.)
But I for one would miss your comments. In particular, your no-nonsense, "don't let the door hit you in the R's" attitude to both stupidity and disrespectful behaviour.

If you see this post, I implore you to reconsider staying.

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