I need an help on ethanol extraction tecnique....

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Active member
Jul 26, 2007
Hi People...
I'm new in the solvent extraction tecniques,and I need some help,please.
I have read somewere that gold hydroxide can be extracted with ethanol.I have some insoluble alkaline salt of gold,about 99% of purity,precipitated from an AR solution using sodium hydroxide.It is still in the solution containing some NaCl and some excess of NaOH,probably.Can you explain how I can go on?
I remeber that the article mentioned ti use diluited acetic acid to move the pH and the add the ethanol.Can you explain the process in detail?
I thank you in advance.
I am no wheres near an expert on this topic, however, I will say this, you should make sure all nitric acid from the AR solution is totally neutralized, with UREA maybe, or maybe it is neutralized by NAOH. The reason I post this, is the MSDS states nitric reacts very violently with ethanol. "Explosively", i believe is the term used. I will try to post a link.

I am also certain to recall a noxious gas can be released by adding ethanol to dilute nitric, from physical chemistry. LOL

Read into the MSDS for both chemicals, and any suspected compounds formed. Again, I am not a chemist, and have limited experience with hydroxides.

Good Luck,

Best Link I could Find, pretty Sad
