i need help

Gold Refining Forum

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Jan 30, 2013
I am a young Egyptian work in the field of computers and I heard a lot about recycling electronic waste, which really intrigued me when I learned that one of the basic components of a computer is the gold as it is a good conductor of electricity, stainless
And has entered on many sites in order to know how I can take advantage of this gold and how to extract and found many ways shown the sites and on YouTube
But we live in Egypt, we are still a lot has old equipment and I think that the amounts of gold dress
Please help me in order to do I doing the right thing
I want to know the best ways to get gold
The best way to get a sufficient degree of safety for workers
I want a site or videos teach me how to work for the beginner
Finally, I want to know the amount extracted from the account number 1000 motherboard grams of gold value
Because I already have more than 10 tons of old computers and I would like to work on in order to earn money :?: :!:
Well what you are asking is can we teach you to become a scientist in the field of gold recovery and refining to become a chemical metallurgist educated in this art.

This is not something you will learn by watching a video or by reading a hundred pages or from emails or a few posts on a forum, although they will help, this is something you learn through much study over a long period l of time. You will soon learn the more you study the more you do not know, and how much more there is to know, but studying will open a world of new opportunity’s for you, you will find the treasure you seek.

We can help you learn it, but it is much more complicated than you think it is right now.
If you seen a web site or video you have the idea this is simple, when in fact it can take years of study to learn, lots of reading and hard work to educate yourself.

You are lucky if you are committed to learning this, because you have found the best place in the world to learn it, and with people who will help you when you do not understand you study, the forum will be hard to understand at first because there are many different processes, and each process has many steps or things that can go wrong if you do not understand them, but after a while it becomes easier as you begin to learn the language and terms we use, and get an understanding of the processes, and why we choose these processes for each type of scrap or material we are working with..

But as I said we can help but you are the one who has to work for the education.

Begin your study with Hokes book and doing the experiments in the book, you can find the book in the book section of the forum or under many members’ signature lines.

Read also in the safety section; begin by reading with dealing with waste.

To begin your study of the forum, start with the welcome to new members, the guide to the forum (follow the links of the guided tour you will learn many of the processes, also see the general reaction list.

Begin studying, and it will open up a treasure of information for you to learn from, the treasure is more in what you will learn from here by studying and educating yourself, than it is in the gold from a ton of computers.

Welcome to the forum I hope you are committed and will work hard to learn, when you run into trouble with something you do not understand the members here will help they are a very friendly group of men who have worked hard to learn and are will to help others who work to learn.
I intend to learn, of course, but what Inouye I was doing is working extensively lab and bring the hands of chemists working and some employment so they can dismantle scrap
Is there a book or something like that in order to understand how this process is done because I do not I lose my money and not get the desired value

Welcome to the Gold Refining Forum! This forum contains some of the most experienced and knowledgeable members when it comes to refining precious metals from various forms of stock. This is a self help forum. What that means is there is a bit of self education required before the seasoned members here are more interested in helping you with questions and guidance. Below is a checklist that should be completed for your safety, the safety of those around you and property.

1. I would recommend you stop everything you are doing and read Refining Precious Metal Wastes by CM. Hoke. Below is a link to a download, here in our forum, where you can download a free copy.

View attachment Refining Precious Metal Wastes, by CM. Hoke.pdf

2. You should perform the acquaintance experiments Ms. Hoke instructs, to better familiarize yourself with the different type of reactions different metals have with different acids and temperatures. However, before performing any exercise, review the MSDS Sheet for each acid in the exercise.

3. I would learn what the scientific names are for different acids. For instance, you should learn that Hydrogen Peroxide is also known as H2O2. Also learn the chemical symbols for different elements like Platinum, which is also known as Pt.

Once all of the above have been completed, you should then thoroughly go through the Welcome Tutorial thread located at the link below AND read through all the sections of the forum, in its entirety:


Our seasoned members here will know if you have done your homework and if you know the material from Hoke's book, Refining Precious Metals Wastes. Their willingness to help you greatly depends on their belief that you have successfully completed all of the above.
To run your operation your best chance is to learn all you can about the operation, even if you hired chemist, you would need to learn yourself, leaning enough of the chemistry, to understand that your chemist were not loosing your gold or throwing your gold away, and knew what they were doing, you need to know enough about the dangers so you do not kill the people you hire with what you are hiring them to do, and that you are not poisoning people around you and your operation with the dangerous waste, gases and toxic chemicals your business will be dealing with, you would also want to learn where the values were in your scrap and how to prepare that scrap for recovery, how to separate it, how to get the most value out of what you have, and how to deal with each step of your operation so that you can instruct even your dismantlers you hire you need a good understanding of every aspect of the operations to run your business.

Education will be a major key to starting and running your operation, so it looks like you have some serious studying to work on, the more you learn the better you will do..
I thank you for educational and have already started and try to understand everything related to the process, but the last question remains puzzling to me and I asked you and I would like to see a definite answer from experts like you
What is pentium which there are many gold 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
Kindly reply to my question
dawood_5000 said:
What is pentium which there are many gold 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
Kindly reply to my question

It is hard to give you an answer. Can you restate your question, and maybe add a little more information? Maybe you could try Google Translate. Just type Google Translate into the search bar on www.google.com. You should be able to translate what you are trying to say into English. This may help with the language barrier.
I think he's asking which of the pentium processors have good amounts of gold in them, e.g., Pentium Pros vs. Pentium 4s, etc.

I haven't processed them so I'll let someone with hands on experience answer that for him.

There is a simple way to find out which has the highest value, look at what the commercial buyers are paying for each item many of them advertise their rates openly but what they can pay may be better than you can recover unless you know how to refine them properly. Here on the forum there are hundreds of posts covering types of scrap and with pictures and frequently how to recover and refine the values we can't make this any easier for you, you have to do the studying to find out where and what values e scrap contains. It may well be you never refine but segregate the scrap and sel, the base metals and plastic further separate the high value items from the rest and sell on as they are, we have many members who do this.
There is no shortcut, no magic formula, no video or book that can tell you all you need to know to recover all the values, there's other metals such a palladium and silver in e scrap, you have to read and study or lose those values through lack of knowledge of where they are or by making the wrong decisions on how to recover them.
If this sounds harsh it's not,as was stated before this is a self help forum and everything you need to know is here but no one has the time to hold your hand and lead you through all you need to know to be able to do this successfully. The biggest problem may well be that most of that information is in a language that's not your native one so maybe the best thing for you may be to find someone to help translate it all for you until it starts to make sense, we will try to help but please understand no one here is paid to answer questions so if you want what this forum has to offer for free you have to make a lot of effort yourself.
You have a good start you found this forum and you seem to have material to work with the rest is up to you. I wish you luck and hope you take the opportunity that's come your way get reading.
Hello dawood_5000 and welcome.
The 1 thing you need to do now is find a translator for the language. Unfortunately, this is all in English. I have seen many posts where language is very bad and causes confusion.
Here is everything you need to learn what you seek but you will have to interpret it so you understand.

You ask what has more gold and what is Pentium?
In English it is a bad question and makes no sense.
Computers are made of alot of metals and plastics so it is hard to answer easily so you understand.
Gold you see inside the computer is only a little of what is inside.
To find and recover everything the right and safe way will take alot of education, learning.

Find a good translator and read through the forum here.

Sorry we can not help better then this...
I am very sorry for my bad language
All I wanted to know is the best model of motherboard and Processor inside Gold too much
dawood_5000 said:
I am very sorry for my bad language
All I wanted to know is the best model of motherboard and Processor inside Gold too much

We accept that members whose first language isn't English make some mistakes with translation its one of the reasons we insist that those who do speak English try their hardest to post grammatically correct text and with their best spelling, especially with chemical terms and spellings.
We can't give you an answer to what your asking because there are so many different types of boards from many different applications, with processors there are prices widely advertised and we have yield data for many of them here on the forum, use the search function top right of your screen to research for the information you need, the information you want is here but you have to work to find it. I still think you need someone who speaks and understands English to help you in your searches and with understanding what's been posted as none of us has the time to hold your hand through the vast amount of information here on the forum, it takes me all my time to read new posts and the active membership I'm sure are in the same situation.
You have to read and research yourself but at least here what you read will be accurate and correct and with full disclosure of processes and methods to recover and refine safely.

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