i see lots of au but I haven't added SMB I

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
my phone wont let me type letters
don't know why so I am speaking this in the microphones

please bare with me

just like the title says
I was steaming my Auric chloride
after doing a pound of pins in my
Sulfuric cell and i noticed this pic

I used.a steel pot this time as my
Cathode instead of a stainless steel pot

I was thinking maybe possibly
the steel was not mild and
Contaminated the solution
Which drove the gold out
The sulfuric was brand new
From ace

The.solution is.dark due.to a little
Sulfuric acid but was crystal clear

I had a bit.of a filtering problem
They were clean pins with a steal spring
Inside no solder

Any comments will be apreciated
Thanks Steyr233 rob
since I can't post a picture I
guess I'll have to tell you what
it looks like a globe ball at Disneyland
with 10000 flakes the gold
floating around all about as
small as you can get microscopic
I added soap to get rid of the oils
I am letting it settle overnight.

Thanks Steyr233 rob
Ok gentleman and woman
This is what I get after settling for
About 18 hours
a lot still suspended animation
and a whole bunch more on the
A little stuck to.the sides and a
Small amount of froth on top

Now if this was driven out of solution
By another metal it should not be
Gold in color ,correct

One thing that bothers me.... When
I put the gold.in solution(added the
Bleach) there was a textbook reavtion
Except there was no smell until later
when I started replacing the fiber.glass
I am not sure how proceed
I will try to re heat and maybe
decant and wash and see what I have
Thanks Steyr223 rob


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Any one maybe a link
I just melted.a tiny amount
And it is definitely in the upper
98 +% it melted very easly and is a
Good color and feel
I just need to know why

Now i believe from here i would gather
And dry.my gold ,hot hcl wash ,incinerate,
Hot hcl again maybe nitric wash and
Put back in solution to double refine

It did leave my melting dish very
Dirty tho

Thanks Steyr223 rob


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You have created FeSO4 in a cell using iron as a cathode. Traces left after washing and magically gold precipitated during HCl/Cl I assume.
Yes yes magically
Im a magician :lol:

Thanks for the reply i just.wasn't

I melted a Nugget after the little 1
Came to about .9 grams
Now the big question I take it that
if I didn't get iron in i I would
Have had a bigger nugget

I still have more to settle
I've done something of the same thing with copper before. I've dropped a piece of copper into AR to help cement the gold out and the copper turned up being clean and shinny in the end. The copper dissolved from the surface as copper metal and precipitated gold crystals and flakes that floated up to the top. No black powder, only crystals. This was from a nitric rich AR solution and i needed to kill a lot of excess nitric. Weird how things work when you watch them.
I guess the difference between mild
Steel and crapy steel is this

Wouldn't mild steel also break down
After.a few times also

I am curios if i could repeat the process
With the same results
Of course it would be difficult to know
How much steel would be drawn
Into the solution


If i added small amounts while steaming
Probably not , but i doubt it was any
More than The human eye could see.

Thanks Steyr223 rob
For the new guy i will try to
Give back to this form as much as

Its very easy to forget a post ,thread, or question
I try bookmarking but just end up going to my
"show all of your posts" in user control panel
And selecting the last 5 or so to make sure
I complete what i started and dont offend anyone

I do apologize for not getting back to answer ,
Or thank the answerer

Anyways to finish this up i received my xrf results
I purposly did no more refining on this 1 gram bb
Once it was apparent the steal precipitated out
My au after melting a test BB of probably .1 grams
I melted the rest so easily that i wanted to know
How much contamination from the steel was in
My finale melt

The results were 97-98% Au 1-2% Fe

Sorry my guy only gives me minimal
I leave the Au so he can get to it later
So i dont always.see the readings
Thanks Steyr223 rob

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