I want information, how recover palladium and silver from electronic devices

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Nagnath Sargar

New member
Jul 20, 2017
If material in the form of silver epoxy .. inside this have silver and palladium.. must recover both. How to separate both?
some of the electronic chip's that need to recover gold and sliver. How to done it?
It is all here, just type what you are looking to learn in the search box.
You found the right place, just do some more homework.
My Gram Mother would have washed your mouth out with soap.
"I want" is a statement of fact and not a polite request.
When asserted loudly it can be mistaken for a demand which is quite impolite.
The more I mature the more I appreciate the small things my Gran taught me.
"please may I have" a much more pleasant way to phrase a request.
The guy is Indian so there's a chance that something has been lost in translation. We have trouble interpreting some people's native english language sometimes and I bet that we wouldn't to a stellar job of understanding the basics of Punjabi let alone the nuances of the language.
anachronism said:
The guy is Indian so there's a chance that something has been lost in translation. We have trouble interpreting some people's native english language sometimes and I bet that we wouldn't to a stellar job of understanding the basics of Punjabi let alone the nuances of the language.
If they have put in enough effort to become as fluent as they are, I would think polite coaching on the finer points of polite communication might be welcome.
Of course some find it hard to understand the value of such things.
My spelling may be atrocious, but my spoken word and table manners are up to speed. :lol:
justinhcase said:
My Gram Mother would have washed your mouth out with soap.
"I want" is a statement of fact and not a polite request.
When asserted loudly it can be mistaken for a demand which is quite impolite.
The more I mature the more I appreciate the small things my Gran taught me.
"please may I have" a much more pleasant way to phrase a request.

Why am I NOT surprised that you find fault with such a nit picky issue - rather then try to help with the "real" issue (of refining) with ether some advice (about refining) &/or some questions to get advice (about refining) going in the right direction :roll:

Nagnath Sargar said:
If material in the form of silver epoxy .. inside this have silver and palladium.. must recover both. How to separate both?
some of the electronic chip's that need to recover gold and sliver. How to done it?


You have not really provided enough information about the material you are working with in order for us to provide proper answers

Are you talking about IC chip from circuit boards ? --- or some other type material ?

In any case - you are talking about epoxy with precious metals tied up in the epoxy - therefore I would "think" the first step would be incineration to turn the epoxy to ash followed by ether chemical leaching - or smelting

The actual process would be more involved - but we need more information about the material before we can help with more detailed information of actual processing

kurtak said:
justinhcase said:
My Gram Mother would have washed your mouth out with soap.
"I want" is a statement of fact and not a polite request.
When asserted loudly it can be mistaken for a demand which is quite impolite.
The more I mature the more I appreciate the small things my Gran taught me.
"please may I have" a much more pleasant way to phrase a request.

Why am I NOT surprised that you find fault with such a nit picky issue - rather then try to help with the "real" issue (of refining) with ether some advice (about refining) &/or some questions to get advice (about refining) going in the right direction :roll:

Why am I not surprised you fail to understand the point of some one you find unpalatable?
"Manners maketh man"
It was my understanding encouraging good forum etiquette was to be encouraged.
"Manners must adorn knowledge, and smooth its way through the world. Like a great rough diamond, it may do very well in a closet by way of curiosity, and also for its intrinsic value; but it will never be worn, nor shine, if it is not polished. "Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
kurtak said:
Why am I NOT surprised that you find fault with such a nit picky issue - rather then try to help with the "real" issue (of refining) with ether some advice (about refining) &/or some questions to get advice (about refining) going in the right direction :roll:


Edited - the post wouldn't have made any difference and probably wouldn't have helped.
Nagnath, you are asking a couple of quite basic questions.

My suggestion is that you should put some work into basic learning of refining, that way you will be able to ask the relevant questions as well as understand our answers.
* Hoke's book "Refining precious metal wastes" : Links in http://goldrefiningwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php/Hoke to both her books.
* The library contains a lot of good threads : http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=85

There are a ton of threads about refining chips, gold and palladium. Spend some time to read those threads before starting to ask questions and you will get a lot more help.

And guys, if Nagnath is going to be scolded for anything it is not grammar. The guy is from India and some words might not translate straight over, grammar even less.

Feel free for scolding him for registering and then in 10 minutes asking quite basic questions. That isn't time enough to read the forum rules. :wink:

This is a PM I got from Nagnath;
Sir please send me link related to this subject. Which is mentioned in subject. Also want idea recover copper from sludge. The sludge is produced from electronic chip's. Please give me ur mobile number this is for me to explain u

I think he wants someone to hold his hand and answer all his questions.
I don't think the rudeness is from translation. Adding a few pleases doesn't make him polite.
I suggest that nobody gives him your mobile number, as you will probably get a new best friend.

For the last year we have been trying the more gentle approach. We have been trying to help new members who pose questions without the first 15 replies being read Hoke. But sometimes they do want as Jim suggests to have their hand held, and that just doesn't happen, nor should it. There is work involved in learning refining and those of us who have done the work and experienced success, realize that.

But what if we, the body of contributing members of the forum, were to answer questions like these seriously, without commenting on grammar or what part of the world the OP is from. What we would have is valuable threads for specific scrap types that we could edit out all of the trash (of which this thread has a lot) and post it in the library. Then when any one of us gets the same type of material it is easy to look it up and see how others suggest doing it. So I suggest we answer the question seriously, as Kurt tried to do before this thread again fell off track, and generate something that all members, present and future, may benefit from.

So...... Kurt started with incineration...... any opinions as to what is next?

(PS. Read Hoke is not an acceptable answer!)
4metals said:
So...... Kurt started with incineration...... any opinions as to what is next?

(PS. Read Hoke is not an acceptable answer!)

Depends on if there is any amount of ferrous materials in the feedstock.

Assuming it does, have magnetic legs, or something else ferrous.
I would have to assume -pyrolisis, incineration, crushing, magnetic separation, sifting, crushing oversized pieces, sifting again (sieve, if you prefer that term), then 50/50 nitric leach.

After that is the big moment of truth, isnt it?
Do you drop the silver as a chloride, then cement the Pd on copper?
Do you scavenge the Pd with DMG, then cement silver with copper?

I would venture to say, the avenue of approach (after dissolving the precious parts) is dependant upon what the concentration of metals is in solution.
4metals said:
So...... Kurt started with incineration...... any opinions as to what is next?
Pyrolysis might be a better first step, followed by incineration. Then as Topher said, it depends on what's left. Rather than guessing, I hope Nagnath can provide some more information on exactly what he's working with. Pictures are always helpful, as is any information about where the scrap has come from. I hope he'll return and give us some more details.

The material I have seen were ceramic substrates with a palladium silver epoxy coating. These would require a different approach. I agree with Dave that the OP has to come back and clarify what his material is and ideally send some photo's as well.

As usual, more information up front generates better methods of processing.
jimdoc said:
This is a PM I got from Nagnath;
Sir please send me link related to this subject. Which is mentioned in subject. Also want idea recover copper from sludge. The sludge is produced from electronic chip's. Please give me ur mobile number this is for me to explain u

I think he wants someone to hold his hand and answer all his questions.
I don't think the rudeness is from translation. Adding a few pleases doesn't make him polite.
I suggest that nobody gives him your mobile number, as you will probably get a new best friend.


I'm on the finishing.com forum every day and there are probably more people on there from India than any other country other than the US. Many of these initial Indian posts sound very demanding and pushy - "Here's a list of what I want and I want it right now." Actually, it's not that bad but, sometimes, it's close. I've gotten used to it and It really doesn't bother me. The forum owner always lets it slide and usually tries to answer every post. Maybe rudeness has a different definition in India. Also, it seems a person's 2nd and 3rd posts in the thread are more polite.
When using translators to make posts or to speak with someone that uses another language it is best to use as few words as possible. This helps to avoid losses in the translation. It can make the message sound very demanding, but it is getting the main context across. Sometimes there is no direct translation for a word or phrase and it gets even more complicated. Many times people use translators to learn another language and those errors or etiquette's are carried across into their speech as well. While these translators have came along way over the last 15 years or so, they still leave much to be desired. It is a shame with all the advance in computers these translators are still so far behind in their field.
What gets me is not that the request sounds rude.

I attribute rude to either translation or different cultures and i get over it, but when a new member asks and then disappears when asked questions from members actually trying to help him, that is annoying!

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