First off - if you are processing "a good mix" (all types) of ICs you should most certainly get MUCH more the 4 grams gold from 20 kg chips
To put it in perspective - if you processed NOTHING BUT 20 kg of PROMS (the very lowest grade of chips) then yes you would only get (about) 4 grams
But a true "mix" of chips should give you better (much better) results
This thread should give you "an idea" of what to expect from "each type" of chip(s)
That said ------
Per the bold print - this IMO (In My Opinion) is your first mistake !!!
first NEED to get rid of the base metals BEFORE washing of the ash/carbon (after incinerating & milling/crushing) --- as well as larger pieces of broken silicon dies
If you don't get rid of the Kovar &/or copper legs/wires (as well as silicon dies) in the carbon/ash BEFORE trying to wash off the carbon/ash - those Kovar/copper legs/wires & large pieces of silicon dies will cause interference in the washing process which will in turn cause the
VERY fine gold bonding wires to wash off along with the carbon/ash
So the proper steps are as follows ------
1) incinerate to turn the epoxy to carbon/ash
2) mill/crush the carbon/ash (incinerated chips) to fine powder
3) sift the milled chips (carbon/ash) through (at least) 80 mesh (or 100 mesh) screen which will remove the "larger" Kover/copper & larger pieces of silicon dies --- smaller Kovar/copper wires (& fine crushed silicon) will go through the sifting screen - so -----
4) spread out the (fine milled) carbon/ash in a
very thin layer & run a "weak" magnet over it to remove any Kovar that made it through the sifting screen --- there will still be fine copper in the carbon/ash which you need to get rid of
Depending on how much copper is in carbon/ash you may have to ---------
1) leach/dissolve the copper out of the carbon/ash BEFORE washing the carbon/ash off to collect/concentrate the gold bond wires --- or ------
2) you MAY get away with doing a "pre-wash" of the carbon ash - to "reduce" the amount of carbon/ash before leaching/dissolving the copper - then a second wash to collect/concentrate the bond wires
There are a couple different method to the above step 2 depending on the amount of copper in the carbon ash
Bottom line - you want to get rid of as much "junk" from the carbon/ash BEFORE washing the carbon/ash to concentrate the bond wires for final leaching or smelting
The trick is leaving the gold in the carbon/ash during the process of removing the junk
if you don't remove the junk (at least the LARGE Kovar/copper/silicon) you will most certainly wash gold (bond wires) out with the carbon/ash