Id like to find out what i have and sell it

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Richard Roy

New member
Sep 1, 2024


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Welcome to us.
As Alondro says, unless you have an id or assay in someway it is impossible to say what it is.
Your pictures are too blurry to say anything also.
Do you have a geology society, university or similar nearby?
If not take some good pictures and maybe some here have an idea what it is.
Where in the world you are and the geology where you found it may help too.
Perhaps you should explain what you think you have , but as stated before, for now you have a rock.
Well I've talked with some professional miners,we did aside tests,water expansion test and some others,and from everything we've done,I believe it might be a solid chunk of Rodium,with traces of Platinum,and gold
Well I've talked with some professional miners,we did aside tests,water expansion test and some others,and from everything we've done,I believe it might be a solid chunk of Rodium,with traces of Platinum,and gold
Highly unlikely, have you tested it with a XRF?
What is a water expansion test?
What Specific Gravity do it have?

XRF will assign Arsenic as Iridium or Rhodium if it is not done right.
Well I've talked with some professional miners,we did aside tests,water expansion test and some others,and from everything we've done,I believe it might be a solid chunk of Rodium,with traces of Platinum,and gold
Rhodium is one of the rarest non-radioactive elements on Earth. To find a solid chunk of it that large is almost absurdly improbably. Also, if you DID have a piece of almost pure rhodium... it would look like very shiny METAL and not ROCK! The density would be around 12g/cm3
, higher than silver's.
Well I've talked with some professional miners,we did aside tests,water expansion test and some others,and from everything we've done,I believe it might be a solid chunk of Rodium,with traces of Platinum,and gold
Miners are exactly that- miners. A certified geologist would be the person to ask what it is, then recommend a lab to send it to for analysis. The fabric from which your pant legs are composed of, are more clearly photographed than what the rock is composed of.
From what I have read rhodium is never found in large size. Always in particle size. That's why it is very expensive. All rhodium is from meteorites and space particles is what most believe
Everything on this planet are from the Stars, but some stuff are more common than others.
Rhodium and the other PGMs are quite rare and seldom if ever in chunks and even rarer alone.
All PGMs are mined in Nickel, Copper or other ores and separated from there.

For the ones coming with chunks and reading massive amounts of Rh or Ir in XRFs we urge them to have an assay done.
As XRFs have a tendency to "lie".

Here is a thread dealing with this:
In my line of work we call that rip rap. Used for embankments around jetties. For anyone to even pay for shipping for that would be too much of a risk. You’re literally asking for advice on a forum of very highly skilled refiners of precious metals amongst other metals as well to give you their thoughts on a rock and give you their opinions. Your getting just that. Good luck with your rock you may actually have some metallic in said rock but nobody knows by just looking at pictures of your rip rap rock.
Another point to look to is there active mines or records of the precious metal elements been in the area you find your rocks, I think it’s highly unlikely that you will find new deposits anywhere in well explored areas , it’s possible but highly highly unlikely I’d guess but then I’m not a geologist.
In my line of work we call that rip rap. Used for embankments around jetties. For anyone to even pay for shipping for that would be too much of a risk. You’re literally asking for advice on a forum of very highly skilled refiners of precious metals amongst other metals as well to give you their thoughts on a rock and give you their opinions. Your getting just that. Good luck with your rock you may actually have some metallic in said rock but nobody knows by just looking at pictures of your rip rap rock.
Well if your all experts on refining fine metels,then just maybe someone would be so kind as to maybe help ly has fine metals in it find out what my so called rock is,.I took it to a jewelers and he did some aside tests and acid didn't touch it and the Wan he had went straight to Platinum and stayed there,but it still didn't tell exactly what it could be,but he said it defenint
Well if your all experts on refining fine metels,then just maybe someone would be so kind as to maybe help ly has fine metals in it find out what my so called rock is,.I took it to a jewelers and he did some aside tests and acid didn't touch it and the Wan he had went straight to Platinum and stayed there,but it still didn't tell exactly what it could be,but he said it defenint
You need an Assay.
Or a mineral expert, we cannot other than at best guess based on pictures.
What is the density(SG), are it found in a well known mining area?
If so, what did they mine?

Almost no Acids will affect rocks or minerals, that is the reason they are still here after millions of years.
XRFs have a tendency to lie, at least the ones used by pawn shops and we buy Gold places including Jewelers.
Take it to a University or geology society and ask what they think.
They will probably know where to have it checked as well.
Samples need to be carried in packaging which doesn't impart any contamination to the sample. Even the slightest bumping of the sample against something else, could be enough to alter the chemical analysis, especially when superficial analysis like holding an XRF to the surface is performed. All the XRF manufacturers recommend crushing the a certain mesh size, then placing in a clean plastic receptacle, then taking the XRF shot.
Well if your all experts on refining fine metels,then just maybe someone would be so kind as to maybe help ly has fine metals in it find out what my so called rock is,.I took it to a jewelers and he did some aside tests and acid didn't touch it and the Wan he had went straight to Platinum and stayed there,but it still didn't tell exactly what it could be,but he said it defenint
A jeweler does not have the tools for properly analyzing rocks.
He is trying to measure temperature with a scale.
Try to get an assay done on the rock. Then you will know.
Where did you get it from and what led you to asking miners?
Well I've talked with some professional miners,we did aside tests,water expansion test and some others,and from everything we've done,I believe it might be a solid chunk of Rodium,with traces of Platinum,and gold
Did you try to break it with a hammer? Solid metal does not break.

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