If you need Sodium Metabisulfite

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I've had luck using "Instant Ocean" for salt water aquariums.

it runs about 12.99 usd for a 10 - 15 lb bag.

it has some trace elements though depending on which type you buy.

the two leading brands are "Reef Crystals" and Instant ocean.

Hope this helps.

I forgot to add this, I performed this experiment once. I don't have the appropriate respirator yet to deal with the chlorine fumes. The experience was performed with a eye dropper filled with gold sponge redissolved in AuricCloride.

I put a teaspoon of instant ocean into a 150ml graduated cylinder or auric cloride then went to bed. Was surprised in the morning

I like the instant ocean Idea because It doesn't have a MSDA or watever chemical warning on it.

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