im looking for free liquid mercury

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May 3, 2012
im looking for free liquid mercury 3oz can any body help with some or a free place 2 get ?thanks
Ejay, where in the US are you located? Maybe some of the members in your area can help. But mercury can not be mailed to you!

And like SBrown stated, one post is enough.

Take care & be safe!


Corrected: Rake for Take.
Ejay welcome to the forum.
Before I reply can I suggest you lose the text lingo, we deal with many dangerous chemicals and want our readership to be able to follow exactly what is been discussed, many young people and those whose first language isn't english are members so please try to understand our rules.
Mercury comes under the heading of dangerous or even deadly if handled wrongly, try and explain in the best English you can manage why you want it and what you want to use it for and perhaps we can find a substitute that is less harmful to you, your family, neighbours and the environment.
ok im new and did not understand the way the fourm works my apologies im a gold panner in philadelphia pa im trying to get the fines and mico gold out of the black sand im useing a rock tumbler basically i cleaned my cons with lye then i put back my concentrares in rock tumbler with ballbearings with mercury the mercury captures the fines and mico gold in algima form then put that in my pan with nitric acid desolven mercury put that in glass with water and copper i should have mercury back in liquid fourm if theres a easyer way to do this id be great ful
ejay111 said:
ok im new and did not understand the way the fourm works my apologies im a gold panner in philadelphia pa im trying to get the fines and mico gold out of the black sand im useing a rock tumbler basically i cleaned my cons with lye then i put back my concentrares in rock tumbler with ballbearings with mercury the mercury captures the fines and mico gold in algima form then put that in my pan with nitric acid desolven mercury put that in glass with water and copper i should have mercury back in liquid fourm if theres a easyer way to do this id be great ful

this is a very outdated way and dangerous process. there are several better ways than this. there are many things wrong with the process you are proposing. mercury is toxic to all living things, it can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled as a fume or ingested. once its in your system, its stored in the liver where it slowly gets dissolved and makes its way to other parts of the body. the areas most effected is the central nervous system and brain. even though its still in use doesnt make it any less dangerous. more prospectors have died of mercury poisoning than almost any other cause throughout history. dissolution of mercury with nitric acid gave rise to the name "the red death" which was the nitrogen dioxide gas emitted from this process. today when mercury is used in this fashion, the mercury is reclaimed by the use of a "retort". its basically a still that captures the mercury fumes and condenses it back into a liquid metal form. this is still frowned upon and illegal in some states.
Ejay no need to apologise your last post is fine and we can all now understand what you need.
To be fair I'm not the one to answer this but we have many miners and prospectors on the forum whom I'm sure can give you good advice on how to further concentrate your values, be patient or go back to the main index and do some studying on the appropriate section of the forum for ores and concentrates, I'm sure this topic has been covered many times.
I wish you luck and hope we can help you to avoid mercury as it's not a good element to mess with.
ejay111 said:
ok im new and did not understand the way the fourm works my apologies im a gold panner in philadelphia pa im trying to get the fines and mico gold out of the black sand im useing a rock tumbler basically i cleaned my cons with lye then i put back my concentrares in rock tumbler with ballbearings with mercury the mercury captures the fines and mico gold in algima form then put that in my pan with nitric acid desolven mercury put that in glass with water and copper i should have mercury back in liquid fourm if theres a easyer way to do this id be great ful

Do you Ever make mistakes ?

Have you ever made a mistake ?

Most of the time, we can AFFORD to make the mistakes we make.

tighten up the tool holding down a lathe bit without noticing that when the motion is complete, the lathe bit ends up in your finger - OK, so you lose a little bit of finger.

whale away at formica with a wood chisel, with your left hand downstream of the chisel, so that if the chisel slips, it ends up in your finger - OK, so you get to see what your finger bone looks like.

Etcetera. most of my "little shop accidents" i am grateful for. they taught me the "loaded-gun-ness" of most of the really interesting shop tools. so i haven't lost a hand etc.

The problem is, with Mercury (Hg ?), if you make a mistake, you don't just end up with scars on your finger or a broken ear-drum. Your heart might keep beating, but your brain tissue -or that of the next person down in the food chain who might be on the receiving end of your mistake - is unlikely to fully recover.

So, why chance it, when there are effective alternatives for dissolving the fines ?
"Ill read more safer ways"

Smart Man with a good Idea, mercury use is an old technology, mining techniques have surpassed it dangerous use, third world country's still use it, but they do not know better, or do not care.
I think the you should lurk on several gold prospecting and gold mining forums and learn how to do it more safely, without use of mercury. Do a google search on gold smelting and look at what publications may be available to you. There are many ways to skin htat cat.
He was here for a week and hasn't been back. If he does pop back in, I would like to know where he is finding black sand in Philadelphia. Maybe Ebay, or when he was on vacation somewhere?

Mercury is bad stuff, I had a great uncle tha got mercury posinoining, He prospected in Up here in New Hampshir for years, Peope Need to realize that the "Old School" eve though they work are not always the best, You always have consider the risk over the rewards

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