Carbon in acids will use up your acid making carbonic acid and CO2 gas.
Carbon can precipitate your gold that you thought you held in your leach liquid, you cannot test for it so you have no idea it is still in ash.
Incinerating cherry red hot is not that much of a problem, the air (oxygen) will help to burn off carbon, and lower pollution, completing combustion, instead of producing carbon monoxide you will produce carbon dioxide, and this red heat if kept hot for about an hour can also oxidize metals, assisting you in your separation steps later, and remove acids, or salts of acids from the incinerated materials.
These fumes can be very deadly, fume hood and scrubbing smoke produced, or re-burning the fumes in flue gas chamber and then scrubbing is recommended, you sure do not want to send smoke signals to the EPA saying come to my house and see what you may want to fine me for, or worse jail me for.
You have been given answer of to burn off carbon, and avoid that headache.
Or you could use flux and collector metal and smelt buttons, which cost you more fuel or acids?
as far as separating floating ash, even though gold is very heavy and sinks in a gold pan, remember fine gold floats, especially in that ash, your losses could be high unless you reprocessed the floating ash.