ineg fingers

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Active member
Sep 16, 2021
i have tried searching the forums and i cant find anything. maybe i am calling them the wrong thing.

i have a question about ineg fingers. the gold strip on boards from tvs/monitors.

i took a couple and trimmed them up and put them in a/p solution with other batches of fingers. i have the same 5 that i have trimmmed up and have put them thru 3 different batches of fingers. just keep recyling and putting them in next batch. so safe to say theyve been in a/p solution for 2-3 months.

what am i doing wrong or should nitric be used instead? not sure if i should go that route. any ideas or stuff work for you previously?
I was told that is what it was called.

The strip of gold that is on the smaller boards from monitors and flat screen TV. It's not like gold foils on typical fingers it's more like a gold paint? Idk how else to describe it.
these are what im talking about. im sure some sort of leaching process would work but im not that expericed enough for that.
i have tried a/p solution and the few i have put in there have sat for months.

just curious is maybe a different way
His other fingers got stripped along with these for 3 runs, so his AP works fine i guess. I did these from LCD sceens and the gold came off without a problem. Wierd. There should not be a coating on them if they are contact points. So no idea why it won't loosen the gold in the AP.
Do you have a picture of the ones that have been in AP?
I do not have any pictures. When I pull my next batch I'll take some. But they mostly just look dark until I rinse eith water than they're back to shiny
Not really worth the effort. The gold can be removed with HCl and bleach but be warned, you will be disappointed with the outcome.
thank you to everyone for the information. guess i will give the bleach a try. i have never done this method. is there a chance it will still make metastannic acid. ive never messed with bleach.
Not really worth the effort. The gold can be removed with HCl and bleach but be warned, you will be disappointed with the outcome.
Geo is absolutely correct.
I've ran those before. (HCL-bleach method)They're flash plating. You will probably loose money on chemicals.
Try scratching one lightly with a knife. If they have a coating, you should be able to tell.
i do this more as a hobby than as for a profitable buisness. ive made plenty of money off of it already so im not to worried there. im more interested in the knowledge from it. i have like 280 and of them. i am going to try the bleach method on them. i am only curious as to what if i missed some solder or something. will the bleach react the same way as nitric down and creates the nasty mess.

like i said i havent ever done anything with bleach since i make my own nitric acid i havent really needed to do it that way.

and as far as coating on them. only thing i have been able to find as far as that would be the plastic strip that attaches to the monitor. but those come off and dont really leave a residue unless it was on the hotter side when i take them apart. but it jsut scraps off.
i do this more as a hobby than as for a profitable buisness. ive made plenty of money off of it already so im not to worried there. im more interested in the knowledge from it. i have like 280 and of them. i am going to try the bleach method on them. i am only curious as to what if i missed some solder or something. will the bleach react the same way as nitric down and creates the nasty mess.

like i said i havent ever done anything with bleach since i make my own nitric acid i havent really needed to do it that way.

and as far as coating on them. only thing i have been able to find as far as that would be the plastic strip that attaches to the monitor. but those come off and dont really leave a residue unless it was on the hotter side when i take them apart. but it jsut scraps off.
Make sure your container is at 1/2 volume. It will foam a bit. I keep a spray bottle handy.
Preferably under a fume hood if you have one. BE CAREFUL of the fumes. It will give off chlorine gas. A good wiff of that will send you running for the hills! (best case scenario)
It's a clean method. Simply let set over night or drive off excess chlorine with heat.
Lazersteve explains this method very well.

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