My deepest apologies. I know better than to post when I am give out and not half thinking!
In the first place, I don't always do everything a certain way! :lol: That was a really dumb statement! :lol:
What I did inadvertently, was get into some methods done on just a small assay type scale, not a larger type scale that I would use to extract and separate the precious metals out of. :wink:
I let this topic get way out in left field from what I originally intended it to do. Like I did say, this topic was only for the express purpose of discovering if any of you knew if Iodine/Iodine leach would dissolve the rhodium minerals.....and since I do not think that we really came to a real conclusion or answer to that best option now is to get out in my lab, grind up some ore and start testing myself! :lol:
In the second place, when I say it works for me, that does not necessarily mean that the entire process works for me, but the part that I I wanted to accomplish works for me! :lol:
Irons, I believe that if you will try putting some copper wire or any copper in some concentrated hot sulfuric acid and bring to almost boiling , you may discover that indeed the copper will dissolve very neatly into the Hot, Saturated H2SO4 quite rapidly. Different strengths of sulfuric acid and temps will dissolve copper at different rates. This is also one of the reasons that sulfuric acid is the accepted electrolyte for making purified copper cathodes, of course again a certain strengths, temps, amps, etc.!
Anyhow, my apologies to all, if I have offended any or such.

Which I never try to do intentionally.
I am now ready to move on to another subject, at least until I have the answers to this I/I problem that I will pursue shortly in my lab work! :lol: