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Qualitative Chemical Analysis said:
5. Solubility-Freshly precipitated iridium may be dissolved in nitro-hydrochloric acid. The ignited metal is insoluble in all acids. Its proper solvent is chlorine. Iridium tri-chloride, IrCl3, is soluble in water and forms with the alkali chlorides double chlorides, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. The tetrachloride with sodium chloride, Na2IrCl4, is formed when the platinum residues mixed with NaCl are heated in a current of chlorine. It is soluble in water. The corresponding ammonium salt may be formed from the sodium salt by precipitation from the concentrated solution with NH4Cl, a reddish brown precipitate, soluble in 20 parts of water (Vauquelin, A. Ch., 1806, 59, 150 and 225). The potassium double salt is sparingly soluble in water.

6. Reactions-Fixed alkali hydroxides or carbonates precipitate from boiling solutions of iridium chloride, IrCl3 or IrCl4, iridium hydroxide, Ir(OH)4, dark blue, insoluble in all acids except HCl. Potassium nitrite added to a hot solution of iridium salts gives, first a yellow color and finally a yellow precipitate, insoluble in water or acids. Hydrogen sulfide reduces IrCl4 to IrCl3, and then precipitates the tri-sulfide, Ir2S3, brown, soluble in alkali sulfides.

I hope this helps.

I'm working on putting together some Ir tests and photos of the results.

the spark plugs are from aircraft. i opened ,and took out the center electrode and the tips of the eletrodes---it was magnetic---i put these eletrodes in nitric + h2so4----it dissolved all the iron and resulted in an non magnetic powder---this powder was boiled in hot ar and did not dissolve -----the ar was tested with stanous chloride and did not give results(no pgm)---the black powder that remained,i deduce that is iridium +perhaps rhodium----

these spark plugs are champion (trademark) and in their site it says that it is made (the electrodes) with iridium
the tips of the spark plugs i did separated from the center electodes and eliminated the iron (magnetics )the same way and i am left with pt collor thin threads(wire) which today i will try to dissolve with ar to see if remains a black powder or the ar gives a collor with might be a pt-ir alloy
that is the reason for my question for the stanous test collor


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