Is AR soak Then Nitric soak okay?

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my buddy soaked about 90 pentium cpus in ar which yielded about 120 grams of pins and (those little small rectangular squares in the middle not sure the name). I washed the pins and squares and the water was black for anout 10 min till it started rinsing clear. From what I understand they shouldve been soaked in nitric acid 1st to drop all the silver off. My question(s) is(are)
can I still go back and do nitric soak,is that necessary?
can anyone estimate what % of the 120g might be gold?
the pins didnt turn into sponge, do i need to soak longer?
what did I do wrong or right?

Not trying to ask an overly detailed question, just dont wanna have to ask a bunch of seperate ones.
Im new to forum so please excuse my ignorance :? , and help with what you can!
Thanks all! :)
Soaked them in AR, then you washed away the black?

Can you be more explicit------not a lot of this is making sense from the perspective of a guy that has refined.

Be prepared to learn that you lost all your gold. Your reply will determine if you have, or not.

I just noticed you posted the same question in a different forum. Please refrain from doing that. Post only in one forum, others will be deleted.

Aqua Regia will dissolve all the metals exposed, your solution may get dark green almost black looking from copper and other base metals dissolved in it, if you still have the liquids, and solids save them till you study this a little, you can as Harold says be throwing away your gold.

this is something many people do, when learning this, to impatient to get gold they loose what they have, jumping right in too fast, or only complicate life for themselves.

slooow down

do some homework, learn how to do this safely, and properly, its not that hard and will be more profitable and fun when you understand the principles, and you will not be kickin yerself in the hind end for wasting some very good material,causing yourself time trouble money and a headache

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