is copper saturation in ap possible

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
What's up guys
OK first of I'm doing this on phone
So excuse The spelling
2nd I'm not reinventing the wheel (Harold) :lol:
I'm trying to develope a method that suits my
AP in 5 gal sparklers bottle
1500 grams of I think microwave chips
Let sit for 8 days then added bubbler

For 3days used bubbler here and there
being as I'm staying in my truck

My solution turned dark green (pics tomorrow its night now)
Thick as it seems to stuck to the side like syrup

Used 64 oz of muratic and half that hydrogen. Peroxide
added 8oz of peroxide twice

Lastly used magnet as weight on end of bubbled hose
thank steyr223
Copper saturation of AP is possible and is desirable. This insures that no gold will be dissolved into your solution. If you are asking whether AP can become too saturated with copper to be effective, I really don't think so. From what i understand about AP solution, Is that after it becomes super saturated with copper using a bubbler, let the solution sit for awhile without the bubbler and the excess copper will self precipitate. After settling decant AP into a container careful not to get powder from the bottom in your solution then remove powder from the bottom and replace your solution. Don't discard the powder as it might have some values mixed in it. The metal that will effect your AP solution to the point of not working properly is Tin, When it absorbs a certain percentage of tin it will stop dissolving copper.
steyr223 said:
Lastly used magnet as weight on end of bubbled hose
thank steyr223

If your magnet is in contact with your AP solution the iron content of the magnet will be cementing out the copper in your AP. Therefore you will not reach copper saturation until the magnet has completely dissolved.
Anything that you use to weigh down your bubbler pipe should be inert to the chemicals you are using.
Thanks guys
Nice. To here from you Geo

I new the magnet was a bad idea but it was done
The chips I have are maybe 1" x 3/8" with white porcelain
Or plastic cover with gold inside there is also a base running
Perpendicular that's the size of a sim( card same shape to) this is the part with solder but some we're
Gold Plated
I will now mention what I should have before

After 4 days I decanted off all solution which was saturated with lead and tin
And did the a/p new also cracked open all
white parts
Tested solution no gold still have
One more thing did test on one chip left in bucket
At friends came back 3 days and peeled a strip
of gold of very thick as it did not crumble
Some pics
By the way
I am color blind.
Screw holke l will show her :lol:

I just looked at my preview
The big clump is all the metal base
(Sim card shape pieces) stuck to
The magnet

Decante test wash all chips and bottle
Pull magnet and metal out. Inspect test
Start with new. Solution
is this correct
Thanks again


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AP is typically a copper chloride process as Steve says.

This looks like a iron chloride process. As such it will be more consumptive of HCL and won't rejuvenate with air as copper chloride does. The messy part comes when you go to rinse. When the acid content drops to a certain point solid rust scums will form in the time it takes to settle the fines. The only thing that seems to prevent this is acidic rinses. It will take a lot of HCL to clean this up.
Thanks for the input guys
I thought I saw rust forming but being color
deficient I hesitated
added about 1/2 gallon of muratic and 6 ounces of
Peroxide and it became clear with a bluish green
all the iron rust is gone but will be back

If I. Continue untill all iron is dissolved or the gold
is all separated than do acid bleach the iron should
Not be a problem as I filter out only the solution
Or will iron get into gold chloride

And the magnet is collecting all the iron steel pieces
That's a catch 22
Thatks for all
Iron in solution will oxidize (the rust you seen), and change to an insoluble hydroxide and oxide of iron (red powder in bottom, problem is this iron hydroxide once formed is very hard to dissolve with acids), I would continue to get as much base metal dissolved with this solution, then turn off air pump, let everything settle, decant solution, (since your working in this old water jug, I would move powders to another vessel (crock pot, coffee pot (casserole dish) and heating plate or something I could use heat with , then I would rinse well hot water till water is clear, then using a fine chemical resistant plastic screen (this may help separate fine red powder from larger materials), (possibly Iron oxide fine red powder from gold and chips?) rinsing well, powder remaining material in iron mortar and pestle then return to casserole dish, use fresh acid HCl and H2O2, to wash as much of the iron and base metals as possible, after HCl has remove all base metals possible, boiling hot water rinse’s again (especially if solder or lead was involved).

Here I would probably neutralize with water and sodium hydroxide, decant, wash well boiling hot water,
Incinerate (if tin was involved), another boiling HCl wash, lower heat below boil, add water to dilute let settle (keeping hot), decant liquid with suction bulb, and repeat these as needed.

Now I might take a little powder in very small jar or test tube and dissolve gold in this test tube, noting color, if nice and yellow (very light green) we could dissolve the gold powders in dish, if our test tube shows high base metals (darker green to brown) we need to remove more base metals from powders.

(I have dissolved gold out of the red powders and the iron hydroxide stays insoluble, and can be filtered from solution, once formed it does not seem to want to go back into solution)
(When strongly heating a USED HCl acid/hydrogen peroxide solution with iron in solution) (Iron chloride in solution) the iron will precipitate to bottom of pot as yellow powder burning to bottom of vessel, (depending on conditions), and also precipitate these brick red insoluble powders),
Thank you very much butcher
Wow sounds like a challange
I think I need to put this up for now
Until I get my shop and am situated to
Better handle the job

This is actually good
I have a overflow of PCB
and no where to put them
I will continue this thread
Thanks everyone


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