Is there gold in any type of sand?

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ZK1 said:
How small particle in size or what is a smallest size of particle can be detected with strongest modern analytical technology as today? Thanks
I got an 30 year old microscope which I can look at molecules with. Electron microscopes to observe single atoms have existed for a while now and the latest development is that you can not only detect single atoms, you can decide the energy levels and oxidation state too of that single atom.

But that's huge compared to the scientists who is probing inside the atomic nucleus with their instruments and detects quarks and leptons. Even neutrinos can be detected and they are quite small but you need many of them as they interact so weakly with normal matters. Usually they only detect neutrinos that have passed straight through the Earth, just to filter off other cosmic radiation which would trig the detectors otherwise.

Alchemy is only a lot of techno babble without any substance, technology and science have come so long that only ignorant people ( or scammers claims ) believes in alchemy. Just realize that you have listened to the wrong people and start to learn some real science.

g_axelsson said:
Alchemy is only a lot of techno babble without any substance, technology and science have come so long that only ignorant people ( or scammers claims ) believes in alchemy. Just realize that you have listened to the wrong people and start to learn some real science.


I'm not trying to sound rude or anything.

This is why I never asked about ammonium nitrite, that would technically be for another forum. I figure I wouldn't have been here long if I did. By the way, after reading about it most of my life, the only things that I'm ever going to say about alchemy on this forum, is that alot of medicine and/or science technology advanced because of it, and the name Isaac Newton among others. I'm not including the "mythological" aspect to it.

(Please delete this if I've gone too far)
The discussion of alchemy in the historical context is okay but trying to promote the use or trying to impress someone into it's use has no place in modern science. To speak of it as a precursor to modern science is okay, because it's true. Modern science has been able to explain all of the mystical and magical aspects of it leaving only the common everyday chemical reactions. Trying to "transmute" one substance to another can theoretically be done but only tiny particles in an atomic reaction. Since no one on the forum has an atomic reactor they can play with, it's kind of a moot point trying to discuss it here.
I would take a wild guess at the question by saying gold that is in solution would be on the atomic level. Not that it makes much difference because once it's too small to be seen with the naked eye it's probably too small to try to recover.

It is possible that "any" sand might contain very small "traces" of gold ( or none at all)

However - with that said - don't you think that with the price of gold that if there was enough of it (gold) in the sand to be worth processing it - that then the company that bags it for sale as sand - would FIRST process it to get the gold out :?:

Use some common sense here :!: --- A large company that has all the resources (equipment & money) to wash & bag sand for home depot is NOT going to throw money away (they are not stupid) ---- in other words - if there is not enough gold to make it worth their while to process --- then it most certainly is not worth your while to try processing

You may as well have a discussion about seawater containing gold, but that's been done before and it ended in tears , so I'm going to crawl back under my stone and forget that I ever mentioned it *runs off and hides* :shock: :shock:
What type of test can be done, to check if there is any gold in solution beside SMB? Thanks
From where I sit it looks to me you have a huge potential of harming your health or the health of others around you with the things you are trying without gaining at least a little knowledge of the dangers involved, dissolving ore, or sand in acids without an elementary education on the dangers, is a good way to die of arsenic or some other poisoning...

I cannot express enough how important educating yourself is, the education is where you will find and recover gold and other values, not by trying some half backed experiments like dissolving electronics sand or ore in acids...

If your goal is to learn to get and recover gold and refine it, then put up your chemistry set, and get the tools needed for the task, start with HOKE'S BOOK, and study of this forum full of the information you will need to gain an education in this field of work.

Stannous chloride (tin dissolved in HCl acid) will test for gold in solution (if you have gold in solution that can be reduced with a reducing agent). There are some other tests you can use to test for gold ore, but they basically use the stannous test, they mainly use alternative methods to put the gold in solution...
Ferrous sulfate crystal is also a good test for gold, not as pronounced of a reaction as the purple of Cassius you get with stannous chloride

Study (that is your treasure map to get that gold).
Not to be a bummer, been following this thread and have come to the conclusion that in some way I think you have had too much exposure to the chemicals in your processes. Not to be rude, or insulting but you seem to ramble in several directions at once. Take my advice, drop this subject of refining, go back to the basics of study and research. From my first science which is psychology and my second that chemistry of which I am still learning at now you might be surprised at how they an go hand in hand. The mind forgets anything of common sense when it thinks a fortune can be made.
If the comentary and criticism you are receiving are not implanting in your mind let me translate them for you. "Chemical refinement can be extremely dangerous, it must be taken seriously, if you are going to waste time chasing what is not worth chasing get out of it now, before the mind experiences tragedy in one form or another."

I hope you inderstand, I am trying to keep you from hurting yourself and others.

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