Issues with GEO

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I would like to call on the moderators to remove personal names from the subject lines and associated threads. There is really no need for this as everyone goes by their particular handle on this forum.
If a transaction between two parties go exceedingly well, we don't use the personal names of the parties involved.
Posting proper names may be a product of frustration and lack of communication, but personally, I don't think it's necessary. It acts as a smear on ones reputation, regardless of the situation.
it is what a minimum conscience require
thanks for your thoughtful wisdom
I did not want to deal with this refine, that is true. You would not, or could not understand what I was trying to say. I could have had the refine complete several times over by now. My wife of 36 years had just passed away on July 16 2022. I was trying to tell you that I was very busy and you were asking me questions that only had one answer. How long would it take for me to do that much material, which metals did I refine. Specific questions after I said I was stopping refining. You asked about your material (as if that was different) specifically as far as : could I, how long, how much? I told you I had prior obligations, and you went back to your material. I told you I could not do the refine and asked for shipping labels to send the material back. You needed some very specific information. Such as weights of the different material. This you should have had as you are the one who sent it to begin with and have been kind enough to post it a couple of times on the forum. Add the weights together and send a label for that much. Brake it down into as many as you need to, to equal that amount. I would send you your material. I've never taken anything that wasn't mine. I didn't contact you and ask if I could refine your scrap. YOU came to me and asked me to refine for you. I am not a refining company. I am a hobbyist. That's all I am and all I have ever claimed to be. I've heard that you are kind of angry and have been saying some very bad things about me. Let me ask you, have I ever said or even acted as though I would not give your material back? Ever?
This is the last thing I will say to you about it. There was a time when I would have went into my pocket to make sure you were satisfied. But not now. Send me the labels and I will get it boxed up as soon as I have the free time and sent out. You are also welcome to come here and pick it up personally. I will not give it to an agent. You should come yourself so we can shake hands to show there was no ill will intended.
I did not want to deal with this refine, that is true. You would not, or could not understand what I was trying to say. I could have had the refine complete several times over by now. My wife of 36 years had just passed away on July 16 2022. I was trying to tell you that I was very busy and you were asking me questions that only had one answer. How long would it take for me to do that much material, which metals did I refine. Specific questions after I said I was stopping refining. You asked about your material (as if that was different) specifically as far as : could I, how long, how much? I told you I had prior obligations, and you went back to your material. I told you I could not do the refine and asked for shipping labels to send the material back. You needed some very specific information. Such as weights of the different material. This you should have had as you are the one who sent it to begin with and have been kind enough to post it a couple of times on the forum. Add the weights together and send a label for that much. Brake it down into as many as you need to, to equal that amount. I would send you your material. I've never taken anything that wasn't mine. I didn't contact you and ask if I could refine your scrap. YOU came to me and asked me to refine for you. I am not a refining company. I am a hobbyist. That's all I am and all I have ever claimed to be. I've heard that you are kind of angry and have been saying some very bad things about me. Let me ask you, have I ever said or even acted as though I would not give your material back? Ever?
This is the last thing I will say to you about it. There was a time when I would have went into my pocket to make sure you were satisfied. But not now. Send me the labels and I will get it boxed up as soon as I have the free time and sent out. You are also welcome to come here and pick it up personally. I will not give it to an agent. You should come yourself so we can shake hands to show there was no ill will intended.
Thanks for the update Geo.
My condolences for your loss.
I hope we can put this story to rest now.
I hesitate to jump in here, but this forum appears too lenient to the party that has apparently defaulted. In this case and the other case of Binshou.
People I know of, work hard to make a living and purchasing or accumulation of escrap is not easy.
If we take the responsibility to toll refine, at least some provisions should be made to make the other party whole in the event of an unforeseen circumstance (no matter what it is), of which the least would be a return of what was entrusted. Creating hardships for someone who put their trust in you is unacceptable at every level..
The minimum in this regards should be open communication. Lack of communication is a serious breach when one is in possession of another person's material and trust.
I hope these sagas end well for all parties involved.
VERY WELL said !!!!!!

Good morning Geo
I am so sorry for the misunderstanding
You know how i respect you and how our relationship always has been cordials

1- i am going to ask the moderators and administrator to delete the thread
2-i am sorry for any derogatory remarks
3- i kept my line of communications open so you could give me any update
4-I am sorry for the loss of your wife
5- Do you think you need any help when facing this difficult time
6-Can you ship back the materials COD so i Can pay for the shipping when i received it because to get a label they are asking some specific questions , or can can you make only one or 2 boxes and send send sizes and weight
7- This could have been avoided
8- to all members of the forum i suggest to have better interactions
After GEO reacted , i requested from the Administrator to delete the thread
with all related interactions
Jeff lost his wife in the last year if I recall correctly. Let's consider that before we allow someone to assassinate his character over a slow toll that amounts to an ounce of gold total.
Per the bold print - first of all - an ounce of gold is no small thing - at least not for the average common working man & to trivialize it as such (a small thing) when it belongs to someone else - all I can say is - REALLY ????

That said - I did some calculations on the material poudouche sent to GEO & the value of just the boards - which is less then actual gold value (after all - board buyers buy boards with intent to make a profit on gold value recovered from boards) and the board value alone is greater then one ozt gold

According to boardsort the value of the 125 pounds RAM (as boards) is $2,875 --- so the actual gold value is likely somewhere around (plus/minus) $3,500

28 pounds hard drive boards - two types - high grade @ $14/Lb = $392 --- low grade @ $6.75/Lb = $189 --- so average = (about) $300

18 pounds cell phone board @ $12/Lb = $216

26 pounds of laptops and computers boards - averaged using the laptop price, mother boards & cards pricing = (about) $2.75/Lb = $71.50

2 pounds CPUs - pricing so wide ranging makes it impossible to average so not factored in

$2,875 + $300 + $216 + $71.50 = $3,462.50 just in board value

This would place actual gold value well above $4,000 (if processed right for full recovery) plus some Pd & Ag (if processed right for full recovery)
Let's consider that before we allow someone to assassinate his character over a slow toll

Per the bold print --- I get it - things happen that can & do cause a delay in doing such a job - I can see a delay of 1 or 2 months - maybe even 3 months - but 8 months ??? --- that is WAY beyond just a delay of the agreed 29 day terms & crosses the line to negligent default !!!!

Also - I do not believe poudouche is deliberately trying to assassinate GEOs character - he is simple asking for advice &/or an opinion on how to best address a problem that is going unresolved (do I write it off - take it to court - or ????)

And - for what it is worth - GEO has been a member of this forum just as long as I have & like me has been a MAJOR contributor to this forum & I have personally had many phone calls with GEO - & though GEO & I do not always agree - I have nothing but the UTMOST RESPECT for him !!!!!!
I hesitate to jump in here,

I agree - this was not an easy post for me to post today

Electronics - i never was interested. Too much work for too little payoff. but that’s me. there is a reason hat those who refine electronics do so in volumes and shave the right equipment to handle those larger volumes.

There are a lot of hobbyists that get free electronics or buy them very cheap thinking they are going to hit a hime run. I do not think they consider all the time and costs involved in the process.

I’ve known Geo a long time. His late wife was his helper and with her gone things for him changed as it would have with most that lost a loving spouse.

Ship your stuff back to your self or send it from geo to board sort and call it a day.

Life is short.
There is no reason to delete this thread - In fact it goes to show how an issue can be resolved when the matter can be discussed openly from both sides of the issue ;):):cool:
I agree with Kurt on this. We rarely delete threads. Usually only those from scammers and spammers. I see no reason to delete this one.

After poudouche first contacted some of the moderators about this situation, we put together a post for the For Sale, Trae & Wanted section; For Sale - About the For Sale, Trade & Wanted Section. As we say in that post, communication is the key.

I hope that poudouche and Geo can come to an agreement on getting poudouche his materials back so we can all put this behind us.

Per the bold print - first of all - an ounce of gold is no small thing - at least not for the average common working man & to trivialize it as such (a small thing) when it belongs to someone else - all I can say is - REALLY ????

That said - I did some calculations on the material poudouche sent to GEO & the value of just the boards - which is less then actual gold value (after all - board buyers buy boards with intent to make a profit on gold value recovered from boards) and the board value alone is greater then one ozt gold

According to boardsort the value of the 125 pounds RAM (as boards) is $2,875 --- so the actual gold value is likely somewhere around (plus/minus) $3,500

28 pounds hard drive boards - two types - high grade @ $14/Lb = $392 --- low grade @ $6.75/Lb = $189 --- so average = (about) $300

18 pounds cell phone board @ $12/Lb = $216

26 pounds of laptops and computers boards - averaged using the laptop price, mother boards & cards pricing = (about) $2.75/Lb = $71.50

2 pounds CPUs - pricing so wide ranging makes it impossible to average so not factored in

$2,875 + $300 + $216 + $71.50 = $3,462.50 just in board value

This would place actual gold value well above $4,000 (if processed right for full recovery) plus some Pd & Ag (if processed right for full recovery)

Per the bold print --- I get it - things happen that can & do cause a delay in doing such a job - I can see a delay of 1 or 2 months - maybe even 3 months - but 8 months ??? --- that is WAY beyond just a delay of the agreed 29 day terms & crosses the line to negligent default !!!!

Also - I do not believe poudouche is deliberately trying to assassinate GEOs character - he is simple asking for advice &/or an opinion on how to best address a problem that is going unresolved (do I write it off - take it to court - or ????)

And - for what it is worth - GEO has been a member of this forum just as long as I have & like me has been a MAJOR contributor to this forum & I have personally had many phone calls with GEO - & though GEO & I do not always agree - I have nothing but the UTMOST RESPECT for him !!!!!!

I agree - this was not an easy post for me to post today

Hi Kurt
The reason for the forum
is to create a place to exchange ideas , knowledge , information
and advice
Thanks for your understanding
Per the bold print - first of all - an ounce of gold is no small thing - at least not for the average common working man & to trivialize it as such (a small thing) when it belongs to someone else - all I can say is - REALLY ????

The first post was edited with the moderators summary of not condoning "character murder".

My post was intended to remind people that Jeff is a human, who lost his partner.

I will always put the welfare of the human over the value of the belongings. If that is a mark upon my character, so be it.
Ok - at least from what I can see GEO received the materials but has not yet started in on doing any of the refining so the material is still available for return shipping

The question is how to go about getting that done
I told you I could not do the refine and asked for shipping labels to send the material back. You needed some very specific information. Such as weights of the different material. This you should have had as you are the one who sent it to begin with and have been kind enough to post it a couple of times on the forum. Add the weights together and send a label for that much. Brake it down into as many as you need to, to equal that amount

Geo - per the bold print - unless the materials are boxed exactly as you received them (included being unopened) & no boards have been shifted from one box to another or in some other way altered from it's original shipping then there is no way for pourdouche to get return shipping labels to send to you

You have to weigh each box you intend to send - give those weights for each box so that poudouche can get a label for each specific box

In other words - he can't just send "a label" for the total weight as everything will likely not all fit in one box nor can he send random (weight) labels as you would then have to try to (re)box things to match exactly the label weights

The information poudouche is asking for is information he needs in order to get the "proper" labels to send to you
Can you ship back the materials COD so i Can pay for the shipping when i received it

This would be one way to do it - however - the way this works is that GEO would first have to pay the shipping to you - then when you receive the packages you pay the postal service - the postal service then pays GEO back what he paid to send in the first place

So the question here is - is GEO able to &/or willing to pay the return shipping up front - knowing he will get his money back when you receive the material back

There is another option here - this option assumes that poudouce is not able to &/or does not intend to refine (the reason he sent GEO the material in the first place) so even once poudouche receives the material back he needs to send it out to a refiner &/or board buyer to get his money out of these boards

That means he is paying 3 times shipping on his material - once to ship it to GEO - then again to get it shipped back - then again to ship to someone like boardsort --- that is just flat out ridiculous

So - I have a suggestion - GEO - why don't you box the material up - get the weights & shipping cost to boardsort (things you would have to do anyway to ship back to poudouce) Then the two of you work out just how to make that happen --- this would at least reduce poudouches shipping cost from 3X to only 2X

However the two of you are able to work this out (& I feel VERY confident you guys will) IMO this last option (shipping from GEO to boardsort) is the best option as it would save poudouche that third shipping cost

You just need to make Chris at boardsort aware that payment for the boards goes to poudouche ;):)(y)

Hi Kurt
we are very grateful for your advice
You spent so much time to try to help solving this issue
To avoid any further delay i would ask Geo to box the materials go to one of the shipping company to get a quote and if he has Zelle , i will immediately send him the amount and then problem solved
once again thanks
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