just when I think u got it.....

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Hey guys how is everyone
Maybe I actually dont know what I am doing and I just get lucky
Once in a while

I have a 2 gallon white bucket
Led lining from stained glass window for cathode
Ace hardwares drain cleaner (not sure of name maybe fire something .red bottle 1 gallon)
Anode is clamp coming from auto battary to clip on chips
Did 160 of theseIMG_20160224_162154.jpg
One at a time in batches of 30 so the cell never hit 100°f
Everythings brandnew so no dilution
Filtered all h2so4 through fiberglass charmin plug
Added all slimes and filters to beaker with hcl
Cleaned out bucket with hcl/bleach mix(tested posative for au)
Added to slimes with more bleach.
Filtered auric chloride with fiberglass in funnle(tested posative to about 5+ grams by how strong and fast
Stannous worked)
Could not get filters completly washed out so I put in new container
Steamed aucl from 900mls ( exes hcl trying to wash through filters) to 550 ml
Added sulfumic while steaming
While still hot added cup of ice and filtered again( just incase)
Added 1x water with approx. 8 grams of smb
Still got color from stannous but cosidered a false positive.
Au dropped in about 7 min good size heavy chunks...figured maybe 4 to 6grams
Washed with water 2 times and hcl 1
Added to well fluxed dish a perfect thick layer of mud
So far I am pleased
Melting even looked good up till the bb formed .9 grams
Very dissapointed and no hole or crack so I assume somehow contaminated?

Now the kicker ...I fryed a couple of 1/2 gallon plaatic bottles (cranberry)
I figured they woyld hold up for at least filter time at least one didnot but I had a catch
Tub .
Now the otherI one I decided to mix some hcl in to wash and then some water( understand the plastic bottle
Was empty of acid except for a few drops but I guess it was enough for an exothermic reaction and obliterated the inside
Of the container to theI point of washing a bunch of plastic peices into my aucl
This didnt phase me because all the junk comes out in the wash ...correct
Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated

Haven't I been here before ......
Thanks steyr223

Ps I think I am going back to a steel pot for my cathode.

The unit in the bottom right of your picture (the one with 6 in it) shows the gold you're missing old friend. The solder in these is a high gold content. You should recover between 5g and 8g per Kg (or sometimes higher) on these depending on the type.


ps the white gear on the top before you broke it off is Beryllium Oxide ceramic. Be careful.
Thanks jon
I save all pieces including all porcelain
But I was referring to just what I had done in the cell which should have been 8 grams for 160 pieces
Not the solder or epoxy or the porcelain
I did not know the yield from the solder was so great thanks
Since I have (had) roughly 4 kg or 10lbs thats almost a whole once wow!
So a little under 2 ounces or 44-56 grams

I gathered all my containers with gold powders today and did a new process
With my filters ..this time I finally received a neg from my stannous so I am dropping after steaming and filtering

I will see tomorrow after adding all my powders to my melt what I have but I dont believe it's much more
Than 2 grams
The rest should still be in my sulfuric, I used the pink fiberglass and for some reason
It never seems to work like the yellow so I will refilter my H2SO4 and will see
Thanks steyr223 rob
And again as always I found my gold
I started to filter my H2SO4
Didn't even get 1/2 way through a full funnel(fiberglass) before
It plugged up so I dumped the remaining back into the " to be filtered" bucket
And dropped the fiberglass into my beaker , added a little HCl/bleach ,tested with
Stannous and received a positive purple/black within 1/10 of a second
I am now filtering the rest

I really dont like this part having to dump the filter due to clogging
To much chance of things going wrong, even just pouring
From my 2gallon bucket into the funnel (I mean to quick and spills out but to slow
And it dribbles down the side of the bucket)

I think I will rig up a lid with one hose to siphon and one hose
Just a little in but not in the acid to blow in to start the siphon
And just siphon to the funnel
I still have to deal with the clogging and dumping

Does anyone have a good technique for this
Thanks steyr223 rob

Ps I think I got the same pink fiberglass (color blind)
I dont remember clogging my filters like this before)
I found my gold it is in my H2SO4
As I said I had trouble with pink fiberglass
I finally realized when my AuCl wouldnt filter

I now have the yellow and all went great
I did have cloudy AuCl until I heated it
But then became slightly darker aa it cooled
But it was a perfect drop ...before I finished pouring
In the smb/H2O it already started turning black

No smb smell and no brown after stannous
I will post a pic after I melt

Thanks steyr223 rob
Well I guess I still have more in my H2SO4


Actually I meted 4 nuggets together from different parts
Of the whole process( 1 from filtering through fiberglass,1 from
Diluting part of my H2SO4 with water ,1 from wash etc...)
I only melt what is dropped in that process by itself ,I don't
Mix my powders anymore.
Anyways I will decant and dilute again as I did not let completely
Settle on the last one
This is still only the first 160 without the porcelain/solder/epoxy mix
Thanks steyr223 rob

Ps anyone know where jonn is I sent 2 more pm‘s

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