Large quantity of high grade gold

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Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Right this is interesting,heard it all before but this seems more true than most even after checking things out. There is a possibility even a strong possibility that I might need to refine upwards of 100 kilos of high grade gold bars at least once a month maybe more. It will need to be .999 or better, using cells seems a no no as it takes to long which seems to rule out the Miller Process so it seems wet refining is the way to go. I'm imformed the bars are around .950 gold but don't know the other metals present I'm guessing copper and silver . When I was refining I was using rows of 5 litre flasks but that seems an awful slow way to go on this so any help would be welcomed. I know one or two of the members have set up refineries for other people and if this becomes a reality that will probably be the route I will follow but a general overview and an idea of costings would be appreciated just to get my mind working and to see if this is commercially viable. Thanks Nick VC.
I assume by wet refining you are talking about dissolving and precipitating.
Smelting would be a much more efficient way,and you can still get .9999 if done accurately.It will take a lot of time and money to set up,unless you are very handy.I made a large smelting pot a long time ago,however it wasnt efficient because the material I was smelting was less than 10% gold.However you should have great success using 95%.You can buy ready made smelting flux,litharge and nitrates at legend and they are pretty reasonable .
I have no problems with borax on small levels,however you will need a bit more.They also sell a good book on smelting
nickvc said:
Right this is interesting,heard it all before but this seems more true than most even after checking things out. There is a possibility even a strong possibility that I might need to refine upwards of 100 kilos of high grade gold bars at least once a month maybe more. It will need to be .999 or better, using cells seems a no no as it takes to long which seems to rule out the Miller Process so it seems wet refining is the way to go. I'm imformed the bars are around .950 gold but don't know the other metals present I'm guessing copper and silver . When I was refining I was using rows of 5 litre flasks but that seems an awful slow way to go on this so any help would be welcomed. I know one or two of the members have set up refineries for other people and if this becomes a reality that will probably be the route I will follow but a general overview and an idea of costings would be appreciated just to get my mind working and to see if this is commercially viable. Thanks Nick VC.

In that thread is exactly how 4metals did it once in the past for more than 180 Kg per day, and another 2-3 ways/equipment to do it for 12-50 Kg per day. Since your material is already 95%, you can do without the Miller process, and jump directly to the AR treatment.

There are many other threads that detail the process.

Technical equipment need not be very expensive, but security measures, vault, armed guards, etc probably would. Equipment costs will be larger if you want to do the 100 Kg per month in 1 day or 4-5 Kg per day during a month. If you also want to assay bars, then more equipment costs, etc.

If this actually happens for you, then you can ask more questions and I'm sure someone will guide you, or you could actually hire/consult with someone of your liking.

100 Kg is a lot of money, but really technically 100 KG per month isn't an amount of metal that makes things difficult. Just 8 bars of 400 OZ each. You could almost do it in the bathroom if nobody knew about it and came to steal it.

Here's another, even better, thread:
I too was on my way to refining mass quantities of gold weekly but that has fallen by the wayside for now. From a very knowledgable forum member in setting up refineries I was given the advice to use 5gal buckets and AR. At 95% purity this should work quite well. Depending on the size of your bars, ingots, or shot, you should be able to take on 200+lbs fairly easily.

The fact that the gold in question is 95% pure is your biggest advantage. You wont need to do any melting before digestion unless you are going to shot it. If so, you could set up a few buckets somewhere and leave the gold digesting in AR overnight. Then you could follow standard procedure the following day.
goldenchild said:
I too was on my way to refining mass quantities of gold weekly but that has fallen by the wayside for now.

This is typical. Not only in your country, but everywhere. Don't feel bad, and charge by the hour everytime someone comes with a "story". :lol:
HAuCl4 said:
goldenchild said:
I too was on my way to refining mass quantities of gold weekly but that has fallen by the wayside for now.

This is typical. Not only in your country, but everywhere. Don't feel bad, and charge by the hour everytime someone comes with a "story". :lol:

This was no tall tale my friend. This was a jeweler that had and still has large volumes coming in. The story is in one of my posts. We had nothing set up and couldnt 100% agree on payment for my services. The two main reasons it didnt take off. Who knows. It may still happen one day.
HAuCl4 said:
goldenchild said:
I too was on my way to refining mass quantities of gold weekly but that has fallen by the wayside for now.

This is typical. Not only in your country, but everywhere. Don't feel bad, and charge by the hour everytime someone comes with a "story". :lol:
I don't think this is a story I have researched the source and this is just a part of the whole letters of intent have been signed and the principals are very aware of what they have and it's value. If this turns into reality then I think 4metals may well be the man to help me,but for now I'm just feeling my way, as like so many old timers I've heard it all before and I won't get exited until it happens. In this business we all get the stories of unlimited gold for nothing this isn't like that,no up front payments no dodgy back door deals just honest trading with traceable paper work and taxes paid where due! Unusual but up till now thats how it's wanted,suits me , even mr taxman will be have his share,most scams don't want this , this lot do and if I'm correct they always will.
Well. Good luck to you too nick!. If I can help for free, I will, but all you need is probably here in some or other thread, and if it isn't then there are plenty more qualified people for hire as well!.

For me, and I'm particularly skeptic, there can't be 100 Kg flying around here and there and everywhere, because simply there isn't as much gold!. And whoever sources or holds the material, makes the rules, since that is the hardest part in this business: Getting the material at a deep enough discount, and or selling it (or products made with it) at a big enough premium.

Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but worth repeating.

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