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Gold Refining Forum

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New member
May 26, 2008
Hello everybody.

I am a 31 year old guy out in Arizona.

Been a bit of everything in my life, salesman, teacher, bookstore manager, actor, director, computer repair, web design, visual effects, electrician, and lately had to move to metal scrapping because of the construction slowdown.

The scrapping led me into some trouble recently, involving a large steel beam and my right un-steel booted big toe. (Misjudged the direction it would fall and also blame my huge size 15 feet) I now spend most of my time reading this forum and taking a lot of notes. Kept from posting until now, for fear of what my rational would be under heavy pain medication.

I have been reviewing as much of the material as possible, some of it is tough to sort through. Different processes for each source. gold sweeps, polish, broken jewelry, eyeglasses, silverware, electronic scrap. All of them seem to have particular nuances to attend to. I would like to try my hand at all the different materials to get some hands on knowledge.

The depth of information is immense, whenever I have a question I plan to read twice and post once. to help prevent more repetition.

This looks like a great hobby, the chemistry aspect alone is getting me interested in taking a course and buying some starter equipment. And the idea of refining jewelry for a living looks like something I will put thought and practice into.
Welcome aboard!

Electronic scrap is a great thing to add to your repertoire when out hustling for scrap. Many people are intimidated by it. Not us! :D

Sorry about your wounded, giant foot. :(

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